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WinImages User's Manual

Table of Contents

  1 - Welcome
  2 - Technical Support
  3 - Enabling the Software
  4 - A Note from the Document Maintainer
  5 - EDP - Electronic Delivery Package
  6 - Legal Issues
    6.1 - Software Components
    6.2 - Ownership
    6.3 - Authorship
    6.4 - Software Copyright and Usage
    6.5 - Network Installations
    6.6 - Documentation Copyright and Usage
    6.7 - Copyright Venue and Right of Use
    6.8 - Other Copyrights
    6.9 - Transferability
    6.10 - Using Output from the Software
    6.11 - Backup
    6.12 - Disclaimer
  7 - Piracy
  8 - Documentation
    8.1 - Placing the documentation on your system
    8.2 - How To Use The Documentation
    8.3 - The Need for Printed Documentation
    8.4 - Why online documents?
  9 - Acknowledgments
  10 - Requirements
  11 - Installation
    11.1 - Application Components
  12 - Removal
    12.1 - Removing WinImages from your computer
    12.2 - Moving WinImages to a New Filesystem Location
    12.3 - Removing Default Installations
    12.4 - Removing Customized Installations
  13 - WinImages Overview
    13.1 - Image Views
      13.1.1 - Atomic Images
      13.1.2 - Layered Images
      13.1.3 - Magnification
      13.1.4 - Resolution Independence
      13.1.5 - Multiple View Handling
      13.1.6 - Multiple Images Loaded
      13.1.7 - Multiple Views on Image or Layer
      13.1.8 - Multiple View Magnifications
      13.1.9 - Multiple View Zones
      13.1.10 - Multiple View Types
    13.2 - Data Representation and Manipulation
      13.2.1 - Data Representation and Manipulation
      13.2.2 - Image Data - 24-bit - 32-bit
      13.2.3 - Ancillary Image Data
      13.2.4 - Promotion of Lesser Bit Depths and Maps
      13.2.5 - Demotion of Higher Bit Depths and Maps
      13.2.6 - Image Properties
      13.2.7 - Image Roles - Action Images - Source Images - Brush Images - Other image roles - Unassigned Images
      13.2.8 - Alpha Channels
      13.2.9 - Area Selection Transparency - Pixel Transfer Modes
      13.2.10 - Atomic Images
      13.2.11 - Layered Images - Controls and Options - Blend Modes - 77 Mode Types - Color Processing - Alpha Processing - Geometry Processing - Local Layers - Layer Effects - Flattening Never Required
      13.2.12 - Filmstrip
      13.2.13 - Heightfields - Grayscale - DEM (Digital Elevation Maps)
      13.2.14 - Textures
      13.2.15 - 3D Scenes - Object Definitions - Image Mapping - Bump Mapping - Decision Mapping - Algorithmic Texture Color Mapping - Algorithmic Texture Bump Mapping - Mathematical Expressions - Stacks and State Information - Keyframes and Animation - Extended Scene and Object Controls
      13.2.16 - Particle Systems
    13.3 - Area Selection
      13.3.1 - Modes - Immediate Action mode - Select, then Operate mode
      13.3.2 - Tools - Stroking and Regional Tools - Regional-Only tools - Text (Font) - Feathering - Color Keying - Boolean Tool Modifiers - Selection Aspect Ratio Control - Splattering
      13.3.3 - Undo and De-Undo - Number of Levels: 0 to infinity - Setting and Using the History - What is kept in the History
      13.3.4 - Color Keying Mechanisms - Wand Tool - Modifier-Based - Layer-based
    13.4 - Operations Toolbar Structure
      13.4.1 - Chapter Bar
      13.4.2 - Verse Bar
    13.5 - Operations on Pre-existing Images
      13.5.1 - Stills - Operations on Still Images with Static Results - Layered Image Manipulations - Effect Applications
      13.5.2 - Animations - Area Selection Animation and Morphing - Linear Interpolation - Splined Interpolation - Effect Parameter Animation - Linear - Splined - Operations on Still Images with Animated Results - Operations on Animated images with Static Results - Animated images with Animated Results
      13.5.3 - Operations (Processes, Effects or Filters) Available - Toolbar Based - Layer Based - Image Creation Based - Image Conversion Based - Data Export Based
      13.5.4 - Operation Parameter Controls - Numeric and Boolean - Graphical Profiles
 - Profile Controls
   - Directional Arrows
   - Enhance
   - Smooth
   - Symmetry
   - Close - Scripted - Trended - Global Presets - Saving and Loading Individual Operation Presets - Saving and Loading Entire Projects
    13.6 - Image Input
      13.6.1 - Still Frames
      13.6.2 - Streams of Sequenced Still Frames
    13.7 - Image Output
      13.7.1 - Format Conversion
      13.7.2 - Animation Output - Streams of Sequenced Still Frames
    13.8 - Tutorials
      13.8.1 - Basic
      13.8.2 - Advanced
      13.8.3 - Supplementary
    13.9 - The Basics - Getting Started
      13.9.1 - Setting the Environment for your first use of WinImages F/x
      13.9.2 - How WinImages F/x handles Image Views - View Sizing - Magnification of specific regions - Area Selections as they relate to view size
    13.10 - Using WinImages F/x to Process Single Still Images
    13.11 - Using WinImages F/x to Generate Animated Effects
    13.12 - Alpha Channels and Transparency
      13.12.1 - Transparency in Layered Images
      13.12.2 - Transparency in Area Selection Masking
    13.13 - Advanced Getting Started Tutorial
    13.14 - Using Layers
      13.14.1 - Introduction - What Are Layers? - Beginning With Layers
      13.14.2 - Step by Step through the Layers Dialog - Resize Master - Rename Base - Rename Layer - Create - Create, Zero, Scale and Rotate (Warp) - Attach - Detach - Destroy - Duplicate - Glow - Emboss - Save - Done - Layer Settings - Layer Modes - Quick Layer Mode Index - Nearer - Deeper - Offset
      13.14.3 - Layer Information
    13.15 - Layer Modes
      13.15.1 - General Layer Modes
      13.15.2 - Subtractive Color Space Layer Modes
      13.15.3 - Logical Layer Modes
    13.16 - Image Barrels
      13.16.1 - What's an Image Barrel?
      13.16.2 - Where can I get Image Barrels?
      13.16.3 - So, what's an Image Barrel used for?
      13.16.4 - What kinds of features and effects are available to be used with the pictures that come out of Image Barrels during a brush stroke?
    13.17 - WinImages F/x Tools
      13.17.1 - The Area Selection Tool Box - Area Selection Method 1 - Immediate Painting Method - Area Selection Method 2 - Draw First Method
      13.17.2 - The Operations Toolbar
      13.17.3 - Pull Down Menus
      13.17.4 - The Time Line
      13.17.5 - The Filmstrip
    13.18 - The Operations Caddy
      13.18.1 - Using the Operations Caddy - Creating an Operations Caddy - Adding Operators to the Caddy - Re-organizing Caddy Operators - Re-configuring the Caddy - Deleting operators from the Caddy - Identifying Operators in the Caddy - Saving Caddies - Loading Caddies - Making a Caddy Open on Program Start
  14 - Menu Operations
    14.1 - Index to Menu Commands
    14.2 - The File Menu
      14.2.1 - Load Image and the MRU submenu - Loading an Image File - Thumbnails
      14.2.2 - Save Image
      14.2.3 - Save Image As
      14.2.4 - JPEG Save Quality Preview
      14.2.5 - Manager
      14.2.6 - New Image
      14.2.7 - LNI — Last New Image
      14.2.8 - New Heightfield
      14.2.9 - Clone Image
      14.2.10 - Separate Image
      14.2.11 - Load DEM
      14.2.12 - Open Project
      14.2.13 - Save Project As
      14.2.14 - Close Project
      14.2.15 - Acquire Twain
      14.2.16 - Select Twain Source
      14.2.17 - Capture Screen
      14.2.18 - Print Image
      14.2.19 - Output Color Reduction
      14.2.20 - Preferences
      14.2.21 - Registration
      14.2.22 - MRU List
    14.3 - Image File Manager
      14.3.1 - General Information
      14.3.2 - Global Preferences
      14.3.3 - Operation
      14.3.4 - Context Menus
      14.3.5 - Overview - No Thumbnails Available - Thumbnails Available, but none are selected - Thumbnails Available, one or more selected
      14.3.6 - Keystrokes
      14.3.7 - Individual Features
      14.3.8 - Image Selection with the Mouse
      14.3.9 - Image Selection using a String Pattern
      14.3.10 - Select All Image Files
      14.3.11 - Invert Selection
      14.3.12 - Deselect All Image Files
      14.3.13 - Filtering the Images to be Displayed
      14.3.14 - Finding Images
      14.3.15 - Using the Image File Manager with the Time Line
      14.3.16 - Copy Single Image File to Clipboard
      14.3.17 - Cut Single Image File to Clipboard
      14.3.18 - Copy Image File Name to Clipboard
      14.3.19 - Print Single Image File
      14.3.20 - Copy Full Image File Name and Path to Clipboard
      14.3.21 - Sort All Image Files in Alphabetic Order
      14.3.22 - Sort All Image Files in Date Order
      14.3.23 - Sort All Image Files in Size order
      14.3.24 - Delete selected Image File(s)
      14.3.25 - Destroy selected Image File(s)
      14.3.26 - Move selected Image File(s)
      14.3.27 - Rename Single Image File
      14.3.28 - Thumbnail the current Directory
      14.3.29 - Re-Thumbnail selected Image File(s)
      14.3.30 - Auto Row/Column Size Selection
      14.3.31 - Preferences
      14.3.32 - Image Properties
    14.4 - Output Color Reduction
      14.4.1 - Output Color Reduction Controls
      14.4.2 - Use Default Palette - Use Gray Scale Palette - Use Loaded Effects Palette - Choose Palette Colors - Edit Palette - Update Effects Palette from Render - Lock Palette after First Frame - Ordered Dither - Error Diffusion Dither - Dither Amount - Creating Transparent Still GIF Images
      14.4.3 - Creating Non-Transparent Still GIF images
    14.5 - Which Color Reduction Method is Best?
    14.6 - The Texture Generator
      14.6.1 - General
      14.6.2 - Controls
      14.6.3 - Class - Name - Square Size - Seed - Depth - Turbulence - Max Dynamic - Inversion - Thresh - Illuminated - Type
    14.7 - The Edit Menu
      14.7.1 - Copy
      14.7.2 - Paste
    14.8 - The TimeLine Menu
      14.8.1 - Show Timeline
      14.8.2 - Squence Controls
      14.8.3 - Accumulate Changes
      14.8.4 - Inhibit Display
      14.8.5 - Hide Op Controls
      14.8.6 - Animation (File) Frame Rate (FX) - Millisconds per Frame - Frames per Second - Jiffies per Frame
      14.8.7 - Generate
    14.9 - The Display Menu
      14.9.1 - RGB 32-bit — 2 level B+W
      14.9.2 - Info on Display
      14.9.3 - Show Toolbar Text
      14.9.4 - Light Progress Bar
      14.9.5 - Size Windows
      14.9.6 - Maintain Aspect Ratio
      14.9.7 - Show Alpha in Views
      14.9.8 - Checkered Alpha
      14.9.9 - Set View Colors - Set Alpha Check Color - Set Alpha View Color - Set Filmstrip Blend Color - Set Off Image Color - Area Selection Marquee Color - Set Line Color 1 - Set Line Color 2 - Set Previous Color 1 - Set Previous Color 2 - Set Handle Color
      14.9.10 - Show Grid
      14.9.11 - Beep when Palette Changes
    14.10 - The Settings Menu
      14.10.1 - Change Working Method
      14.10.2 - Affect Alpha in View
      14.10.3 - Affect RGB Only
      14.10.4 - Affect Alpha Only
      14.10.5 - Number of Undo Levels
      14.10.6 - Controlling JPEG Chroma Subsampling
      14.10.7 - Modal Zoom
      14.10.8 - Keep a Log File
      14.10.9 - Show Chronograph
    14.11 - The Area Menu
      14.11.1 - Antialias Area Selections
      14.11.2 - Autofill
      14.11.3 - Autoclose
      14.11.4 - Pixel transfer Modes
      14.11.5 - Undo Last Selection
      14.11.6 - Clear Area Selection
      14.11.7 - Show Area Toolbox
      14.11.8 - Load Area Select File
      14.11.9 - Save Area Select File
      14.11.10 - Load I-Shape
      14.11.11 - Save I-Shape
      14.11.12 - Font Style
      14.11.13 - Shape From Center
      14.11.14 - Rectangle from Corner
      14.11.15 - Rounded Rectangle from Corner
      14.11.16 - Ellipse from Corner
      14.11.17 - Roundness
      14.11.18 - Color Wand Controls
      14.11.19 - Color Key Controls - Key on: RGB, Hue or Color Space - Medium / High Quality - New / Add Subtract - RGB / HSV Range - Grow - Load / Save Space
      14.11.20 - Feathering Controls
      14.11.21 - Transparency Controls - Transparency Level Slider - Edge Blending Control - Preset Edge Blends
      14.11.22 - Mask With Target Alpha
      14.11.23 - Opaque Fills
      14.11.24 - Splatter Controls
    14.12 - The Filmstrip Menu
      14.12.1 - Filmstrip Settings
      14.12.2 - Scroll Updates onto Filmstrip
      14.12.3 - Place Updates in Current Frame
      14.12.4 - Do Not Update Filmstrip
      14.12.5 - Animate Film
      14.12.6 - Animation Settings - Pong - Reverse
      14.12.7 - Show Filmstrip
      14.12.8 - Load Filmstrip
      14.12.9 - Save Filmstrip
      14.12.10 - Save Filmstrip as MNG ANIM
      14.12.11 - Save Filmstrip as GIF ANIM
      14.12.12 - Save Filmstrip as FLC
      14.12.13 - Save Filmstrip as 8-bit AVI
      14.12.14 - Save Filmstrip as 24-bit AVI
    14.13 - The Operations Menu
      14.13.1 - Show Operation Controls
      14.13.2 - Execute Operation
      14.13.3 - Load Op. Settings File
      14.13.4 - Save Op Settings File
      14.13.5 - Op Caddy On / Off
      14.13.6 - Configure Op Caddy
      14.13.7 - Load Op Caddy
      14.13.8 - Save Op Caddy
      14.13.9 - Operators
    14.14 - The Plugins Menu
    14.15 - The Window Menu
      14.15.1 - Open Another View
      14.15.2 - Display Alpha View
      14.15.3 - Image Information
      14.15.4 - Change Image Information
      14.15.5 - Play AVI
      14.15.6 - Open Views (list)
    14.16 - The Extras Menu
      14.16.1 - HTML Gradient Text
      14.16.2 - RAW to W3D triangle converter - 3D Exploration
    14.17 - The Help System in General
    14.18 - The Help Menu
      14.18.1 - About
      14.18.2 - Getting Started
      14.18.3 - On Layers
      14.18.4 - Display Quality
      14.18.5 - Keystrokes
      14.18.6 - Learn About Updates (via Internet)
      14.18.7 - Technical Support (via Internet)
      14.18.8 - Manual
      14.18.9 - Help Location
      14.18.10 - Visit Tip of The Day
      14.18.11 - Tip of The Day Location
      14.18.12 - System Information and memory Info
  15 - The Area Selection Toolbox
    15.1 - Method 1 - Immediate Painting Method
    15.2 - Method 2 - Draw First Method
    15.3 - Area Selections and Transparency
    15.4 - Path-Generating Area Tools
    15.5 - Area Tool Subindex
    15.6 - Freehand
    15.7 - Polygon
    15.8 - I-Shape
    15.9 - Rectangle
    15.10 - Rounded Rectangle
    15.11 - Ellipse
    15.12 - Polyarc
    15.13 - Spline
    15.14 - Bezier
      15.14.1 - Step by Step Guide to Bezier Curve Placement
      15.14.2 - Editing Bezier Curves
    15.15 - Numeric Rectangle
    15.16 - Color Wand
      15.16.1 - Wand Options - Fill Mode - Soft - Resample - Copy Sample Range - Paste Sample Range - Default Settings for the Wand Dialog
      15.16.2 - Combining Selections
    15.17 - Font
    15.18 - Entire Image
    15.19 - Redo Last Area Selection
    15.20 - Re-Edit the Last Area Selection
    15.21 - The Color Key Modifier
      15.21.1 - Step by Step Use of the Color Keyed Area Selection Tool - Key on: RGB, Hue, or Color Space: - Key on: Steepness or Height: - Medium/High Quality: - New/Add/Subtract: - RGB/HSV Range: - Grow: - Load/Save Space:
    15.22 - The Splatter Modifier
      15.22.1 - Splatter Controls - Number: - Seed: - In from Edge: - Rectangles: - Ellipses: - Sizing: - Hold Square:
    15.23 - The Hold Square Modifier
    15.24 - The Hold Aspect Modifier
    15.25 - The Hold Aspect to Source Modifier
    15.26 - The Complement (Exclusive or) Modifier
    15.27 - The Intersection (and) Modifier
    15.28 - The Union (or) Modifier
    15.29 - The Exclude (NOR) Modifier
    15.30 - The Hollow Shape Modifier
    15.31 - The Unclosed Shape Modifier
    15.32 - The Antialias Shape Modifier
  16 - Operations
    16.0 - Operations Indexes
    16.1 - Asterize
      16.1.1 - Asterize Controls - Edit Profile - Trend - Edge Color Preview Window - Peak Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Saturation - Width - Rotate - Arms - Center Glow - Additive - Taper - Presets - Load - Save
    16.2 - Annular
      16.2.1 - Annular Controls - Edit Profile - Trend - Edge Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Saturation - Additive - Presets - Load - Save
    16.3 - Refract
      16.3.1 - Refract Controls - Trends - Profiles - Presets - Load - Save
    16.4 - Shine
      16.4.1 - Shine Controls - trends - Width - Height - Amount - Threshold
    16.5 - Lightning
      16.5.1 - Lightning Controls - Trends - Add. (Additive) - Width - Direction - Branching - Zagging - Taper - Seed - Edge Color - Saturation - Glow
    16.6 - Aura
      16.6.1 - Aura Controls - Trends - Width - Connect - Radiate - Seed - Spokes - Spoke Variance - Rings - Ring Variance - Inner Color - Outer Color - Inner Fade - Outer Fade - Presets
    16.7 - Fire
      16.7.1 - Fire Controls - Trends - Length - Direction - Propagation - Seed - Color Selection - Lateral Structure - Lateral Turbidity - Longitudinal Structure - Longitudinal Turbidity - Wobbles - Wobble Amount - Distortion - Presets
    16.8 - Motion Blur
      16.8.1 - Motion Blur Controls - Trends - Length - Direction - Amount
    16.9 - Spiral Blur
      16.9.1 - Spiral Blur Controls - Trends - Radius - Rotation - Amount
    16.10 - Explode Blur
      16.10.1 - Explode Blur Controls - Trends - Length - Amount
    16.11 - Dome
      16.11.1 - Dome Controls - Trends - Distortion %
    16.12 - Caricature
      16.12.1 - Caricature Controls - Trends - Distortion %
    16.13 - Swirl
      16.13.1 - Swirl Controls - Trends - Angle
    16.14 - Waves
      16.14.1 - Waves Controls - Trends - X Waves - X Front - X Side - X Phase - Y Waves - Y Front - Y Sides - Y Phase - Shading - Presets
    16.15 - Radial Wave
      16.15.1 - Radial Wave Controls - Trends - Distortion % - Frequency - Half Waves - Radius - Phase - Shading
    16.16 - Turbulence
      16.16.1 - Turbulence Controls - Trends - Whorls - Movement - Swirliness - Random Seed
    16.17 - Surface Warp
      16.17.1 - Surface Warp Controls - Trend - Source Image Drop Down Box - Direction - Amount - Mid Level - Shading
    16.18 - Kaleidoscope
      16.18.1 - Kaleidoscope Controls - Trends - Mirrors - Rotate - Rotational
    16.19 - Roll
      16.19.1 - Roll Controls - Trends - X Roll - Y Roll - Scroll Warps
      16.19.2 - Example use
    16.20 - Shear
      16.20.1 - Shear Controls - Shear Amount - Base of Shear - Wrap - Insert Alpha
    16.21 - Bend
      16.21.1 - Bend Controls - Bend Amount - Base of Bend - Wrap - Insert Alpha
    16.22 - Mirror
      16.22.1 - Mirror Controls - Trends - Angle
    16.23 - Flip
      16.23.1 - Flip Controls - Trends - Flip Vertically - Flip Horizontally
    16.24 - Turn 90
      16.24.1 - Turn 90 Controls - Trends - 90 Degree Rotation
    16.25 - Rotate
      16.25.1 - Rotate Controls - Trends - Rotation - In Place
    16.26 - Polar/Rec
    16.27 - Wonk
    16.28 - Circe
    16.29 - Perspective
      16.29.1 - Perspective Controls - Trends - Show - Action View - Grab - XYZ Rotation - XYZ Position - Horizontal and Vertical Zoom - Hold 1:1
    16.30 - Melt
      16.30.1 - Melt controls - Trends - Melt Amount - Direction - Gradient
    16.31 - 3-D Net
      16.31.1 - 3D Net Controls - Trends - Net Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Horizontal Size - Vertical Size - Horizontal Movement - Vertical Movement - Line Width
    16.32 - Random Tile
      16.32.1 - Random Tile Controls - Trends - Background Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Horizontal Size - Vertical Size - Horizontal Movement - Vertical Movement - Size Change - Line Width
    16.33 - Pixelize
      16.33.1 - Pixelize Controls - Trends - Edge Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Width - Height - Edge Width
    16.34 - Cellular
      16.34.1 - Cellular Controls - Trends - Edge Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Width - Height - Fade In - Discrete Edge - Transparent
    16.35 - Lined
      16.35.1 - Lined Controls - Trends - Line Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Background Color Preview Window - Place Background - Red - Green - Blue - Height
    16.36 - Linear Fill
      16.36.1 - Linear Fill Controls - Trends - Angle - Cycle - Smooth - Set Palette
    16.37 - Concentric Fill
      16.37.1 - Concentric Fill Controls - Trends - Cycle - X Bias - Y Bias - Smooth - Set Palette
    16.38 - Radiating Fill
      16.38.1 - Radiating Fill Controls - Trends - Cycle - X Bias - Y Bias - Smooth - Set Palette
    16.39 - Outline Fill
      16.39.1 - Outline Fill Controls - Trends - Width - Generations - Cycle - Inside - Crystal - Repeat - Smooth - Set Palette
    16.40 - Relief (or emboss)
      16.40.1 - Relief/Emboss Controls - Trends - Depth
    16.41 - Dither
      16.41.1 - Dither Controls - Trends - Width - Height - Amount - Seed - Keep Gray
    16.42 - Elevations
      16.42.1 - Elevations Controls - Trends - Sea Level - Shading % - Edit Palette - Use Loaded Palette
    16.43 - Enhance
      16.43.1 - Enhance Controls - Trends - Depth
    16.44 - Sharpen
      16.44.1 - Sharpen Controls - Trends - Amount - Radius
    16.45 - Blur
      16.45.1 - Blur (Gaussian) Controls - Trend - Radius
    16.46 - Remove
      16.46.1 - Remove Controls - Trends - Samples
    16.47 - Horizontal Remove
      16.47.1 - HRemove RGBA Remove Controls - Red - Green - Blue - Alpha
      16.47.2 - HRemove HSV Remove Controls - Hue - Saturation - Value
    16.48 - Vertical Remove
      16.48.1 - VRemove RGBA Remove Controls - Red - Green - Blue - Alpha
      16.48.2 - VRemove HSV Remove Controls - Hue - Saturation - Value
    16.49 - RIP - Remove Isolated Pixel
      16.49.1 - RIP Controls - Metric - Rebuild - Ignore Worst - Threshold - Criteria
    16.50 - RIS - Remove Isolated Streak
      16.50.1 - RIS Controls - Trends - Vertical % - Horizontal %
    16.51 - RIC - Remove Isolated Chunk
      16.51.1 - RIC Controls - Trends - Percentage - Size
    16.52 - Minimum
      16.52.1 - Minimum Controls - Trends - Channel - Affect Only Alpha - Replace Alpha
    16.53 - Maximum
      16.53.1 - Maximum Controls - Trends - Channel - Affect Only Alpha - Replace Alpha
    16.54 - Shave
      16.54.1 - Shave Controls - Trends - Severity - Direction
    16.55 - Apply Canvas
      16.55.1 - Apply Canvas Controls - Trends - Transparency - Emboss - Radius - Amount - Canvas Source Image - B+W Emboss - Tile - Load Source
    16.56 - Add Texture
      16.56.1 - Add Texture Controls - Trends - Intensity - Tile
    16.57 - Contour
      16.57.1 - Contour Controls - Trends - Contour Line Color Preview Window - Red - Green - Blue - Background Color Preview Window - Place Background - Red - Green - Blue - Interval - Edge Detect
    16.58 - Truncate
      16.58.1 - Truncate Controls - Trends - Levels - RGBA
    16.59 - Encrypt
      16.59.1 - Encrypt Controls - Trends - Password
    16.60 - Derivative
      16.60.1 - Derivative Controls - Trends - Multiply Effect - Signed; On Gray - Add to Image
    16.61 - Variance
      16.61.1 - Variance Controls - Trends - Radius - Multiply Effect - Add to Image
    16.62 - Nlog
      16.62.1 - Nlog Controls - Trends - Base
    16.63 - Multiply
      16.63.1 - Multiply Controls - Sources - Load Source
    16.64 - Add Images
      16.64.1 - Add Images Controls - Trends - Addition mode
    16.65 - Subtract
      16.65.1 - Subtract Controls - Trends - Signed; On Gray
    16.66 - Combine
      16.66.1 - Combine Controls - Trends - Lighter/Darker
    16.67 - Convolve
      16.67.1 - Convolve Controls - Kernel - 2 Pass - Bias - Threshold
      16.67.2 - Examples - Sobel Edge Detection - Blur - Color Emboss - Sharpen
    16.68 - Clip
      16.68.1 - Clip Controls - Trends - Assign the Result as Source
    16.69 - Transition
      16.69.1 - Transition Controls - Trends - Transition Control Files - Source - TCF Path & Source File - Time - Priority - Scale to Transition
      16.69.2 - Transition Generator Details
      16.69.3 - Creating Transition Control Files
      16.69.4 - Spinning Star Example
      16.69.5 - Advanced Concepts for Transition Control Files
      16.69.6 - Expression Evaluator in Transitions
    16.70 - Tiler
      16.70.1 - Tiler Controls - N & M - Frame - Source - Scaling - Alignment - Priority
    16.71 - Merge
      16.71.1 - Merge Controls - Trends - Warp to new Shape - Tile
    16.72 - Key In
      16.72.1 - Key In Controls - Trends - Source Image Drop Down Box - Load Source - Inverse Color Key - Soft Color Replacement - Key Range - Set Color - Key on Source
    16.73 - Place
      16.73.1 - Place Controls - Trends - Only Place in Area Selected
    16.74 - Stroke
      16.74.1 - Stroke Controls - Pour (Image Barrel) - Zero (Image Barrel) - Random (Image Barrel) - NoRep (Image Barrel) - Reseed (Image Barrel) - Reverse (Image Barrel) - Seed (Image Barrel) - Level (Shadow) - On (Shadow) - Soft (Shadow) - Xo (Shadow) - Yo (Shadow) - Brush - Load Brush - Mode - No Fade (Fading) - Fade Out (Fading) - Fade In (Fading) - Fade Peak (Fading) - Fade Valley (Fading) - Edit (Palette) - Smooth(Palette) - Wrap (Palette) - Abs. Trans (Application Mode) - Hue Lock (Application Mode) - Smoothing (Application Mode) - Spacing (Positioning) - Guess (Positioning) - Ghostwrite (Positioning, Timeline) - Roughness (Positioning) - Seed (Positioning) - Reseed (Positioning) - Size1 (Sizing) - Size2 (Sizing) - Seed (Sizing) - Reseed (Sizing) - None (Sizing, Method) - Absolute (Sizing, Method) - Grow (Sizing, Method) - Shrink (Sizing, Method) - Random (Sizing, Method) - Rot1 (Rotation) - Rot2 (Rotation) - Seed (Rotation) - Reseed (Rotation) - None (Rotation, Method) - Absolute (Rotation, Method) - Follow (Rotation, Method) - CW (Rotation, Method) - CCW (Rotation, Method) - Random (Rotation, Method) - Seed (Flipping) - Reseed (Flipping) - None, Horizontal (Flipping, Modes) - H (Flipping, Modes) - RH (Flipping, Modes) - None, Vertical (Flipping, Modes) - V (Flipping, Modes) - RV (Flipping, Modes)
    16.75 - Extend
      16.75.1 - Extend Controls - Trends - Color Set - Direction - Amount - Replace Image - Replicate
    16.76 - Enlarge
      16.76.1 - Enlarge Controls - Trends - Width % - Height % - Replace Image - Constant Zoom
    16.77 - Reduce
      16.77.1 - Reduce Controls - Trends - Width % - Height % - Replace Image - Constant Zoom
    16.78 - SPercent
      16.78.1 - SPercent Controls - Trends - Priority - X%, Y% - Replace Image
    16.79 - SPixel
      16.79.1 - SPixel Controls - Trends - Priority - X width, Y width - Replace Image
    16.80 - DOF - Depth of Field
      16.80.1 - DOF Controls - Source - Aperture
    16.81 - Landscape
      16.81.1 - Landscape Controls - Trends - Ground and P - Strata - m - Load Source and Source Drop-Down List - Wireframe - Perspective - Stereo - Stereo Sep - Cliffing - Texturing - Texture Depth - Light X, Y and Z Rotation - Atmos. Haze - Camera Depth - Gourand - Shadows - Waves - Over Sky - Cliff Threshold - Sea Level - X, Y and Z Rotation - Elevation - Palette Mix - Interval - Ambient - X, Y and Z scale - Sky Reflect - Fog Lin. (Fog Linearity)
    16.82 - Flat Map
      16.82.1 - Flat Map Controls - Trends - Ground - Strata - m - Load Source and Source Drop-Down List - Cliff Threshold - Sea Level
    16.83 - Exfoliation
      16.83.1 - Exfoliation Controls - Trends - Stress - Cycles
    16.84 - Entrainment
      16.84.1 - Entrainment Controls - Trends - Precip - Sea Level - Erosion - Sediment
    16.85 - Crater
      16.85.1 - Crater Controls - Trends - Impact - Variance - Seed - Leveling - Burrowing - Ejecta Profile - Crater Profile (center to edge)
    16.86 - Ruler
      16.86.1 - Ruler Controls - Align - Offset - Start - Number Priority - New Image - Number, Gradient, Border and Background colors
    16.87 - Grid
      16.87.1 - Grid Controls - Line Weight - Start - Spacing - New Image - Number Every Intersection - Tick Marks - Number, Grid, Border and Background colors
    16.88 - Texture
      16.88.1 - Texture Controls - Trends - Illuminated - Resolution - Seed - Depth - Turb. - Type - Max Dynamic - Inversion - Threshold - Class - T-Variance - Detail - Scroll Direction - Overwrite
    16.89 - Bang
      16.89.1 - Texture Controls - Trends - Resolution - Seed - Depth - Turbulence - Overfill - Threshold - Max Dynamic - Inversion - Threshold - Class - T-Variance - Detail - Maximum and Minimum - Transparency - Peaking - Palette & Lock
    16.90 - Raytrace
      16.90.1 - Ray Trace Controls - Anitaliasing - Trace File - Trace Path - Recursion
      16.90.2 - Ray Trace Language: "SceneScript"
      16.90.3 - SceneScript Language Index
      16.90.4 - Expressions
      16.90.5 - SceneScript Language Reference - ambient (SceneScript element) - ambithresh (SceneScript element) - apply (SceneScript element) - atmosphere (SceneScript element) - axis (SceneScript element) - /axis (SceneScript element) - brilliance (SceneScript element) - btile (SceneScript element) - bumpdrama (SceneScript element) - bumpmap (SceneScript element) - bumpscale (SceneScript element) - color (SceneScript element) - color0 (SceneScript element) - color1 (SceneScript element) - color2 (SceneScript element) - color3 (SceneScript element) - color4 (SceneScript element) - color5 (SceneScript element) - depthmap (SceneScript element) - diffuse (SceneScript element) - dmap (SceneScript element) - imagemap (SceneScript element) - imagescale (SceneScript element) - keys (SceneScript element) - lib (SceneScript element) - lib (SceneScript element) - lightsource (SceneScript element) - metal (SceneScript element) - normalize (SceneScript element) - object (SceneScript element) - pop (SceneScript element) - position (SceneScript element) - pull (SceneScript element) - push (SceneScript element) - radius (SceneScript element) - reflectivity (SceneScript element) - refraction (SceneScript element) - rotate (SceneScript element) - rotation (SceneScript element) - roughness (SceneScript element) - scale (SceneScript element) - seed (SceneScript element) - smooth (SceneScript element) - specular (SceneScript element) - splined (SceneScript element) - stack (SceneScript element) - structure (SceneScript element) - /structure (SceneScript element) - texturemap (SceneScript element) - texturemap2 (SceneScript element) - tile (SceneScript element) - trait (SceneScript element) - /trait (SceneScript element) - translate (SceneScript element) - translucency (SceneScript element) - transparency (SceneScript element) - unstack (SceneScript element) - uvtexture (SceneScript element) - viewlocation (SceneScript element) - viewtarget (SceneScript element) - vtx0 (SceneScript element) - vtx1 (SceneScript element) - vtx2 (SceneScript element)
      16.90.6 - Ray Tracing Tutorial - An introduction to Ray Tracing - What is Ray Tracing? - How do you use SceneScript? - A Basic Example - Red Ball - Libraries and Traits - Image Maps - Multiple Objects and Changing View - Texturemaps - Mathematical Expressions and Keys - Ray Trace example: Pyramid
    16.91 - Julia
      16.91.1 - Julia Controls - P1 - P2 - Zoom Factor - X Pan - Y Pan - Palette Offset - Set Palette - Lamba
    16.92 - Mandelbrot
      16.92.1 - Mandelbrot Controls - P1 - P2 - Zoom Factor - X Pan - Y Pan - Palette Offset - Set Palette
    16.93 - Pagecurl
      16.93.1 - Pagecurl Controls - Trends - Transparency - Active Corner - Shadow - Vertical Priority - Exposure - Highlight - Alpha
    16.94 - Particle Systems
      16.94.1 - Overview - Units of Measure - System Composition
      16.94.2 - Particle System Particle Editing Controls - Distribution Control and Z Scale - Center, Width, Velocity - Construction Detail - Particle Size - Advance Range - Wrapping - Draw Modes - Applied Forces - System Operations - Preview - Palette
      16.94.3 - Particle System Force Editing Controls - Application Range - Force Decay Time - Width - Velocity - Type and Vortex Shear - Enabled - Turbulence and Turb. Multiplier - Size Multiplier - Fade Multiplier - Pal. Adv. Multiplier - Other Controls
      16.94.4 - Galactic Funk Particle System Example
      16.94.5 - Fountain Particle System Example
      16.94.6 - Fireworks Particle System Example
      16.94.7 - Rocket Particle System Example
      16.94.8 - Star Field Particle Definition
      16.94.9 - Smoke Particle System Example
      16.94.10 - Lava Particle System Example
      16.94.11 - Snow Particle System Example
      16.94.12 - Vortex Particle System Example
    16.95 - Color Fill
      16.95.1 - Color Fill Controls - Trends - Set Color - Red - Green - Blue - Color Wells
    16.96 - WIS Scripts
      16.96.1 - Script Controls - Path & Script File - Browse - Edit - New - Key Features - Where do scripts go? - How it Works - An Introduction to Scripting Syntax - Skeletal Syntax Issues
      16.96.2 - Scripting Reference
      16.96.3 - Specific Script Commands to WinImages FX operators
      16.96.4 - Version, Revision and Level Script Commands
      16.96.5 - Image Stacking Script Commands
      16.96.6 - Mask Stacking Script Commands
      16.96.7 - Image and Mask Exchange Script Commands
      16.96.8 - General Masking (selection) Script Commands
      16.96.9 - Obtaining information about the image in your scripts
      16.96.10 - Obtaining information about the Selection in your scripts
      16.96.11 - Obtaining information about the Selection in your scripts
      16.96.12 - Working with Image Data in your scripts
      16.96.13 - Working with Palette Data in your scripts
      16.96.14 - Working with Profile Data in your scripts
      16.96.15 - Utility functions for your scripts
      16.96.16 - Script/Timeline Interaction in your scripts
      16.96.17 - BASIC-like Script Commands
      16.96.18 - Accessing Profiles and Palettes - Crater Operator - Histogram Operator - Annular Ring Operator - Asterize Operator - Refract Operator - Plug-in Operator
      16.96.19 - Available Palettes
      16.96.20 - Scripting Examples - Simple Random Asterizations - Saturated Random Asterizations - Image Negative Operator — Written entirely in the WIS scripting language - How to process a Palette - How to process a Palette, reprised - How to process a Profile - Multi-bolt Lightning Effect - Gold Foil - Camera Flare - Setting Profiles via Scripting
      16.96.21 - Scripting Problems - Function Won't Work - Loops have a "Jerk" in them - Variables aren't set the way they should be
    16.97 - Plug-ins
      16.97.1 - General Information - Trending Plug-in Effects - Area Selections - Color Transfer Modes - Saving Plug-in Settings - Loading Plug-Ins - Source and Brush Images - Scripting - Undo and Plug-ins - Want to develop F/x plug-ins yourself?
    16.98 - Swap RGBA
      16.98.1 - Swap RGBA Controls - Trends - Swap Selection
    16.99 - Measure
    16.100 - Colorize
      16.100.1 - Colorize Controls - Trends - Hue - Saturation - Luma - Pick Color - Apply Saturation Also
    16.101 - Contrast
      16.101.1 - Contrast Controls - Trends - Contrast
    16.102 - Brightness
      16.102.1 - Contrast Controls - Trends - Brightness
    16.103 - Gamma
      16.103.1 - Gamma Controls - Trends - Gamma
    16.104 - Force Dynamic Range
      16.104.1 - Force Dynamic Range Controls
    16.105 - Balance
      16.105.1 - Balance Controls - Trends - Pick Color - Red - Green - Blue - Force Dynamic Range - Balance to Black - Balance to White - Balance to Gray
    16.106 - Histogram
      16.106.1 - Histogram Controls - Trends - Show Map - Reset Map - Histogram Equalize - Independent RGB - Apply - Brightness and Contrast - Gather Histogram
    16.107 - Sample
      16.107.1 - Sample Controls - Trends - Red - Green - Blue - Red range - Green range - Blue range - Make this the Key Color - Include Extreme Variations - Set Color - Hex Display and Clipboard Copy
    16.108 - Remap
      16.108.1 - Remap Controls - Trends - Position - From and To Colors - Set From Colors - Set To Colors - Offset - Nearness - Palette Size
    16.109 - CMap
      16.109.1 - Remap Controls - Trends - Channel - Smooth
      16.109.2 - Remapping a FITS image
    16.110 - Build Palette
      16.110.1 - Build Palette TimeLine Example
      16.110.2 - Generating a Palette for a Single Image
      16.110.3 - Build Palette Controls - Clear - Accumulate - Generate Palette - Load Palette - Save Palette - Reduction Settings - Edit - Render Transparent Color
    16.111 - Make Alpha
      16.111.1 - Make Alpha Controls - Trends - Alpha Level - Sample Alpha - Mask with Existing Alpha - Mask with Source Luminance - Methods
    16.112 - Key To Alpha
      16.112.1 - Key To Alpha Controls - Trends - Set Color - Inverse Color Key - Soft Color Matching - Key Range
    16.113 - Invert Alpha
      16.113.1 - Invert Alpha Controls
    16.114 - Soften Alpha
      16.114.1 - Soften Alpha Controls - Trends - Radius
    16.115 - Harden Alpha
      16.115.1 - Harden Alpha Controls - Trends - Threshold - Amount
    16.116 - Promote RGB
      16.116.1 - Promote RGB Controls - Channels - Greyscale - Invert
    16.117 - Sample Alpha
      16.117.1 - Alpha Action Summary
      16.117.2 - Sample Alpha Controls - Level - Method
    16.118 - Shave Alpha
      16.118.1 - Shave Alpha Controls - Trends - Bump Size
    16.119 - Clip Alpha
      16.119.1 - Clip Alpha Controls - Trends - Assign the Result as Source - Display the clip - Replace Image
    16.120 - Make Area
      16.120.1 - Clip Alpha Controls - Update the Timeline with this Selection
    16.121 - Gouache
      16.121.1 - Gouache Controls - Trends - Radius - Intensity
    16.122 - Toonize
      16.122.1 - Toonize Controls
    16.123 - Oil Painting
      16.123.1 - Oil Painting Controls - Trends - Layers
    16.124 - Watercolor
      16.124.1 - Toonize Controls - Trends - Percentage
    16.125 - Pseudo Color
      16.125.1 - Pseudo Color Controls
    16.126 - False Color
      16.126.1 - False Color Controls
    16.127 - Solarize
      16.127.1 - Solarize Controls
    16.128 - Blueprint
      16.128.1 - Blue Print Controls - Trends - Interval
    16.129 - Monochrome
      16.129.1 - Monochrome Controls - Trends - Luminance/RGB Average
    16.130 - Negative
      16.130.1 - Negative Controls - Trends - Color Space - Color Space Channels
    16.131 - Adjust Hue
      16.131.1 - Adjust Hue Controls - Trends - Hue
    16.132 - Saturation
      16.132.1 - Saturation Controls - Trends - Saturation
    16.133 - Adjust Value
      16.133.1 - Adjust Value Controls - Trends - Value
    16.134 - Glare
      16.134.1 - Glare Controls - Trends - Reduce/Increase - Amount
    16.135 - Antique
      16.135.1 - Antique Controls - Trends - Antique/Un-Antique
    16.136 - Color Gel
      16.136.1 - Color Gel Controls - RGB Controls
    16.137 - NTSC Filter
      16.137.1 - NTSC Filter Controls - Trends - NTSC Limit - NTSC Filter
    16.138 - Frame Rate
      16.138.1 - Frame Rate Controls - Trends - Interlace Aware/Frame Repeat - NTSC/PAL
    16.139 - Make Fields
      16.139.1 - Make Fields Controls - Trends - Field Dominance Switch - Replace Image
    16.140 - Film Grain
      16.140.1 - Film Grain Controls - Trends - Grain Width - Grain Height - Intensity - Seed
    16.141 - Scanline
      16.141.1 - Scanline Controls - Trends - Scanlines On - Line Width
    16.142 - Jitter
      16.142.1 - Jitter Controls - Trends - Seed - Probability - Spoke Interval - Max Spokes - Interstitial Region - Direction - Bar Color
    16.143 - Flicker
      16.143.1 - Jitter Controls - Trends - Seed - Probability - Max Change - Min Change
    16.144 - Stabilize
      16.144.1 - Stabilize Controls - Gathering Options - Point of Interest - Displacement - Edges - Solid Color - Texture
    16.145 - Aspect Ratio
      16.145.1 - Aspect Ratio Controls - DPI / Aspect
    16.146 - DPI
      16.146.1 - DPI Controls - DPI
    16.147 - Author name
      16.147.1 - Author Name Controls - Author
    16.148 - Annotation
      16.148.1 - Annotation Controls - Annotation
    16.149 - Copyright
      16.149.1 - Copyright Controls - Copyright
  17 - Other Tools
    17.1 - Quick Index to Other Tools
    17.2 - Overview of Other Tools
      17.2.1 - The Filmstrip Tool
      17.2.2 - The Status Bar
      17.2.3 - The Timeline Tool
      17.2.4 - The Zoom and DeZoom Tool
      17.2.5 - The Undo / Redo Tool
    17.3 - Filmstrip
      17.3.1 - The Controls
    17.4 - Status Bar
      17.4.1 - Status Bar Controls - Current Operation (Op) - Drawing Method - Current pointer Position, RGB Color (At) - Operation Progress Bar - Sequence Progress Bar - Pause Sequence - Stop Sequence
    17.5 - Timeline Basics
      17.5.1 - Timeline Basics - Dialog Components
      17.5.2 - Timeline Basics - Dialog Controls - Source and Brush Images - Area Selections - Operations - Action Images - Load Timeline - Save Timeline - Generate Sequence - Timeline Frame - Time (MM:SS.) - Level - Time Object - Erase Timeline - Sizing - Setup - Close Timeline
      17.5.3 - Timeline Basics - Tutorial
      17.5.4 - Timeline Basics - How To...
    17.6 - Timeline Area Selection Dialog
      17.6.1 - Timeline Area Selection Dialog - Overview
      17.6.2 - Timeline Area Selection Dialog - Details - Method - Interpolate - Make the Area Selection now - Delete - Splined Interpolation - Show Details - The Area Selection Detail Dialog - Detailed Area Selection Controls
 - Method
 - Name
 - Image Size
 - Roundness
 - Center
 - Position
 - Boolean Modifiers
 - Feather
 - Make the Area Selection now
 - Transparency
 - Font Description
 - Key Color
 - Splatter
 - Interpolate
 - Delete
      17.6.3 - Timeline Area Selection Dialog - Tutorial
      17.6.4 - Timeline Area Selection Dialog - How To...
    17.7 - Timeline Operations Dialog
      17.7.1 - Timeline Operations Dialog - Overview
      17.7.2 - Timeline Operations Dialog - Details - Get Current Settings - Get Settings from Trends - Set Current Settings - Set Trends - Interpolate Settings - Remove Operation - Specify Source Image - Specify Action Image
      17.7.3 - Timeline Operations Dialog - Tutorial
      17.7.4 - Timeline Operations Dialog - How To...
    17.8 - Action, Source and Brush Image Dialogs
      17.8.1 - Timeline Controls - Action, Source and Brush Image Dialogs - Overview
      17.8.2 - Timeline Controls - Action, Source and Brush Image Dialogs - Details - Specify Image File - Use Loaded Image - This is a Video Sequence - Start Frame - Frame Increment - Remove
      17.8.3 - Timeline Controls - Action, Source and Brush Image Dialogs - Tutorial
      17.8.4 - Timeline Controls - Action, Source and Brush Image Dialogs - How To...
    17.9 - The Zoom Tool - Modal Zoom
    17.10 - The Undo / ReDo Tool
  18 - Trends
    18.1 - Trend Controls
      18.1.1 - Directional Arrows
      18.1.2 - Enhance
      18.1.3 - Smooth
      18.1.4 - Reflect
      18.1.5 - Rise
      18.1.6 - Fall
      18.1.7 - Copy
      18.1.8 - Paste
      18.1.9 - Flip
      18.1.10 - Extents
      18.1.11 - Spline
      18.1.12 - Off
      18.1.13 - OK
  19 - Keystrokes used in WinImages F/x
  20 - Display Quality
  21 - Error Messages
  22 - Memory Issues
  23 - The Palette Dialog
    23.1 - Palette Controls
      23.1.1 - Hue and Saturation Color Wheel
      23.1.2 - Luminance Control
      23.1.3 - Color Preview Box
      23.1.4 - Size
      23.1.5 - Position
      23.1.6 - Color Spaces
      23.1.7 - RGB (or CMYK, CMY, HSV, HSL, YIQ)
      23.1.8 - Hue Sort
      23.1.9 - Luma Sort
      23.1.10 - Hue Spread
      23.1.11 - Luma Spread
      23.1.12 - Insert
      23.1.13 - Full View Palette
      23.1.14 - Load Range
      23.1.15 - Save Range
      23.1.16 - Merge
      23.1.17 - Copy
      23.1.18 - Swap
      23.1.19 - Mirror
      23.1.20 - Repeat
      23.1.21 - Named Colors
      23.1.22 - Find
      23.1.23 - Add
      23.1.24 - Remove
      23.1.25 - Change
      23.1.26 - Load
      23.1.27 - Save
      23.1.28 - Undo
      23.1.29 - Close
    23.2 - How to Create a Range of Colors
    23.3 - Palettes and the Timeline
  24 - The Color Selection Dialog
    24.1 - Controls
      24.1.1 - Hue and Saturation Color Wheel
      24.1.2 - Luminance Control
      24.1.3 - Color Preview Box
      24.1.4 - Color Spaces
      24.1.5 - RGB (or CMYK, CMY, HSV, HSL, YIQ)
      24.1.6 - Named Colors
      24.1.7 - Find
      24.1.8 - Add
      24.1.9 - Remove
      24.1.10 - Change
      24.1.11 - OK
  25 - Tutorials, Samples and Add-ons
    25.1 - Tutorial index
    25.2 - Asterize Tutorial
      25.2.1 - Introduction
      25.2.2 - Part 1 - The Basics
      25.2.3 - Part 2 - The Arm Profile
      25.2.4 - Part 3 - Animations and Trends
    25.3 - Motion Blur Tutorial
      25.3.1 - Tutorial steps
    25.4 - Cool Things to do with Font Areas Tutorial
      25.4.1 - Metallic Look
      25.4.2 - Distort Fonts
    25.5 - Metal Puddles Tutorial
    25.6 - Gel Button Tutorial
      25.6.1 - Tutorial Steps
    25.7 - Power Colorizing Tutorial
    25.8 - Glass Effects Tutorial
      25.8.1 - Relief effects on glass balls
      25.8.2 - Glass Font Tutorial Using Layers
    25.9 - Vulcan Look Tutorial
    25.10 - Gold Foil text Tutorial
  26 - Basic Issues & Solutions
  27 - WinImages Morph
    27.1 - Welcome
    27.2 - Index to the WinImages Morph Manual
    27.3 - WinImages Morph System Requirements
    27.4 - Getting Started with WinImages Morph - the Basics
      27.4.1 - Perform a Morph
      27.4.2 - Saving your Work
    27.5 - What is Morphing?
      27.5.1 - General
      27.5.2 - Quick Technical Overview
      27.5.3 - Controlling Morphing - Points - Links - Lines and Curves
 - Types of Lines and Curves - Layers
    27.6 - Operation - WinImages Morph
    27.7 - WinImages Morph menu commands
      27.7.1 - File Menu - Open Project... - Save Project As... - Close Project - Load Start Frame/Load Start Image...
 - Importers
 - Native Loaders - Load End Frame/Load End Image...
 - Importers
 - Native Loaders - Save Start frame as... - Save End frame as... - Save Result as... - Print Image - Capture Screen...
 - Screen Capture Controls:
   - Delay till Capture:
   - Specify:
   - Output Image Path+Name/Ext:
   - Save File as Type:
   - Color Depth:
   - JPEG Quality:
   - Counter:
      27.7.2 - Edit Menu - Copy
      27.7.3 - Objects Menu - Load Objects... - Save Objects... - Delete Objects... - Shape from Corner... - Rectangle from Corner... - Ellipse from Corner...
      27.7.4 - Generate Menu - Sequence Controls
 - Total frames:
 - Begin Frame #:
 - Finish Frame #:
 - Current Frame #:
 - Anti-Alias:
 - Save Result:
 - Output file:
 - Specify:
 - Save File as Type:
 - Output size:
 - Match Start Aspect Ratio
 - Match End Aspect Ratio
 - Set to Start Frame size
 - Set to End Frame size - Do one frame... - Sequence generate... - Process Alpha - Motion Morph - Animation (File) Frame Rate (Morph)
 - Milliseconds per frame
 - Frames per second
 - Jiffies (per frame) - Specify Motion start frames...
 - Specify File
 - Remove Entry
 - Show Path - Specify Motion end frames... - Specify Motion point files... - Load the Motion files for this frame...
      27.7.5 - Display Menu - RGB 24-bit - RGB 16-bit - 256 Color - 256 Gray - 16 Color - 16 Gray - 2 level B+W - Show Placement Tools... - Light Progress Bar - Size Windows... - Hold Aspect - Hold Relative Size - Set Zoom Level - Show Alpha in Views - Set Alpha View Color... - Set Off Image Color... - Beep when palette changes
      27.7.6 - Settings Menu - Set Transparency... - Transition Morph - Distortion Morph - Set Velocity... - Buttons use Text - Set Line Color... - Set Selected Color... - Set Handle Color... - Set Link Color... - Set Line Thickness... - Show Chronograph - Keep a log file
      27.7.7 - Filmstrip Menu - Show Filmstrip - Filmstrip Resolution - Animation Settings
 - pong
 - Reverse - Load filmstrip... - Save filmstrip... - Save filmstrip as FLI/FLC... - Save filmstrip as 8-bit AVI... - Save filmstrip as 24-bit AVI... - Animation File Frame Rate... - Milliseconds per frame - Frames per second - Jiffies (per frame)
      27.7.8 - View Menu - Play AVI... - Show Onion Skin View...
 - Onion Skin Overview
 - Onion Skin View Controls:
   - Show Through:
   - S/E:
   - Start/End Contrast Controls:
   - Start / End Brightness:
   - Selected / All / Off:
   - Frame:
   - Point Density:
   - Generate: - Image Information... - Change Image Information...
      27.7.9 - Help Menu - About morph... - Getting Started... - Display quality... - Manual... - Technical Support (Via Internet) - System Information... - Tip of The Day
    27.8 - Object Placement Toolbox
      27.8.1 - General
      27.8.2 - The Point Tool:
      27.8.3 - Links, placed with the Points tool
      27.8.4 - The Freehand Tool:
      27.8.5 - The Ellipse Tool:
      27.8.6 - The Rectangle Tool:
      27.8.7 - The Polyline Tool:
      27.8.8 - The IShape Tool:
      27.8.9 - The Spline Tool:
      27.8.10 - The Bezier Curve Tool:
      27.8.11 - Move:
      27.8.12 - Load an IShape:
      27.8.13 - Save an IShape:
    27.9 - Toolbar
      27.9.1 - Delete Point
      27.9.2 - Create Link
      27.9.3 - Set
      27.9.4 - Group Curve (rectangular selection)
      27.9.5 - Bound Curve (freehand selection)
      27.9.6 - Set Layer - Controls:
 - Layers
 - OK
 - Add New Layer:
 - Remove Layer (Keep Objects):
 - Delete Layer (Delete Objects):
 - Reorder ^:
 - Reorder v:
 - Make this object the area boundary:
 - Rename:
 - Area Status:
      27.9.7 - Animate
      27.9.8 - Magnify (Zoom/Negative Zoom)
    27.10 - View Windows
    27.11 - FilmStrip
    27.12 - Velocity Curve Window
      27.12.1 - Velocity Curve Overview
      27.12.2 - Velocity Curve Controls - Rename: - Smooth: - Choose: - New: - Load: - Save: - Undo: - Done:
    27.13 - Transparency Curve Window
      27.13.1 - Transparency Curve Overview
      27.13.2 - Transparency Curve Controls - Transition: - Distortion: - Rename: - Smooth: - Choose: - Load: - Save: - Undo: - Done:
    27.14 - Sequence Controls Window
      27.14.1 - Sequence Controls Overview
      27.14.2 - Interface - Total frames: - Begin Frame #: - Finish Frame #: - Current Frame #: - Use Anti-Aliasing method: - Save Result: - Output file: - Specify: - Output size: - Match Start Aspect Ratio - Match End Aspect Ratio - Set to Start Frame size - Set to End Frame size
    27.15 - The Status Bar
      27.15.1 - Status Bar Controls - Current Object (Ob): - Current Cursor Position (At): - Operation Progress Bar: - Sequence Progress Bar: - Pause Sequence: - Stop Sequence:
    27.16 - Morph Keystroke Commands
    27.17 - Display Quality
    27.18 - Tutorials
      27.18.1 - The User Interface - What Morphing Means: - The Tools:
 - The Pull Down Menus:
   - File:
   - Generate:
   - Settings:
   - Filmstrip:
   - Help:
 - The Icon Tool Bar:
   - Delete:
   - Link:
   - Point Curve:
   - Group Curve:
   - Bound Curve:
   - Set Layer:
   - Animate:
   - Zoom/Negative Zoom:
      27.18.2 - Warp Morphing - The Basics
      27.18.3 - Warp Morphing - Nuts and Bolts
      27.18.4 - Warp Morphing - Frames, Points, Links and Objects - Warp Morphing and Frames: - Points: - Links: - Objects such as lines and curves: - Morphing Time:
      27.18.5 - Warp Morphing - In Motion - How motion morphs work: - Motion Controls - Details
      27.18.6 - Transition Morphing - The Basics
      27.18.7 - Transition Morphing - Nuts and Bolts
      27.18.8 - Transition Morphing - Frames, Points and Links - Transition Morphing and Frames - Points - Links - Lines and Curves - Morphing Time
      27.18.9 - Transition Morphing - In Motion - Overview - Going back and changing frame specifications - How motion morphs work:
    27.19 - In case of Problems with Morph
  28 - WinImages FX File Compatibility
    28.1 - General Specifications
    28.2 - Full list of Image File Variations Loaded
    28.3 - Full list of Image File Variations Saved
    28.4 - Palette File Types Loaded
    28.5 - Palette File Types Saved
  29 - ELF File Format Information (.elf)
    29.1 - General - Versions 1 and 2
    29.2 - Technical Description, ELF Version 2 (ELF-2)
      29.2.1 - Endian-ness
      29.2.2 - General Structure
      29.2.3 - File Integrity - Magic Numbers - Version Numbering
      29.2.4 - Format Details - Layer Offsets - Scan Line Ordering - Pixel ordering within scan lines - Compression
    29.3 - Technical Description, ELF Version 1 (deprecated, superceded)
  30 - Plug-In Developer Documentation
    30.1 - General Concepts
    30.2 - Image File Import Plug-ins
    30.3 - Image File Export Plug-ins
    30.4 - Effects Plug-ins
      30.4.1 - Plugs
      30.4.2 - Services
      30.4.3 - Masking
      30.4.4 - Image Resampling
      30.4.5 - Obtaining a new image
      30.4.6 - Plug-In life (scope)
      30.4.7 - User-accessible Variables
      30.4.8 - User Interface Handling
      30.4.9 - Memory
      30.4.10 - Caveats
      30.4.11 - Creating new Plug-Ins from the Examples
      30.4.12 - Examples
  31 - Specifications
  32 - In Case of Problems
  33 - Supplied Importers
  34 - Color Separation for Printing
    34.1 - General
      34.1.1 - Overview
      34.1.2 - About the Process
      34.1.3 - How to Approach this Appendix
    34.2 - Work with your Print Shop
    34.3 - Plan the Separation
      34.3.1 - Separation Format
      34.3.2 - Image Pixel Resolution
      34.3.3 - Image and Bleed Areas
      34.3.4 - Positive or Negative Plate Files
      34.3.5 - Multiple Images
    34.4 - Plate Separation Settings
      34.4.1 - UCR and GCR
      34.4.2 - Undercolor Threshold
      34.4.3 - Ink Corrections
      34.4.4 - Dot Gain
      34.4.5 - Save your Settings!
    34.5 - Unsupported CMYK Mechanisms - what, and why
      34.5.1 - UCA - Under Color Addition
      34.5.2 - Halftone Creation
      34.5.3 - Trapping
  35 - Matte Techniques
    35.1 - Blue Screens
  36 - Glossary
  37 - Index

419 Pages

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WinImages F/x, Morph and all associated documentation
Copyright © 1992-2007 Black Belt Systems ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Under the Pan-American Conventions
WinImages F/x Manual Version 7, Revision 6, Level A

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This manual was generated with wtfm
wtfm uses aa_macro and SqLite
aa_macro uses python 2.7