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§ 16.94.10 - Lava Particle System Example

Particle Definition

2500 particles, lathed by an area selection. Particles vary from 1 to 4 pixel radii, and exist all over the system lifetime (via the 1.0 advance.) They advance 25% into the palette colors, and the palette color index wraps as well.
Force 1

This is the rising force that compels the lava to stream upwards. It is always in effect (though probably we should have done it as an initial explosive accelleration like the fireworks... it looks good, though. :-)
Force 2

This force causes the distribution to expand as the lava moves along. We're also carrying a size multiplier that causes the particles to shrink. This gives the visual effect of cooling.
Force 3

This is the downward force, which we start 50% of the way into a particle's lifetime. That causes the particles to begin, and continue, to fall. Note the size multiplier... operating in the reverse to the previous force. Remember — they factor each other:


Lava colors. The yellow flashes represent sudden combustion into ash; lava sometimes catastrophically combines with air and consumes itself, it all depends on what material is in the lava particle. You can see this in many good close-up videos of lava activity.
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WinImages F/x Manual Version 7, Revision 6, Level A

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