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Q: How do I specify an operation key frame?
A: Operation Key Frames can be specified by dropping an operation into the TimeLine using Drag and Drop, or by using the Add to TimeLine dialog.
Q: How do I specify an operation's settings for a key frame?
A: You can alter or specify an operation key frame's settings by selecting Set Current Settings or Set Trends. These two options will open the operation dialog or Trend curve, and allows you to specify the desired values. This will create a dynamic link between the settings in the key frame, and the settings in the dialog or Trend.
Q: How do I turn Interpolation "on" or "off"?
A: Interpolation of operations will automatically default to on when it is valid to do so. This means that the operation specified in the first key frame will alter its settings over the sequence of frames to match the next key frame's operation settings. Interpolation can be turned on or off using the Interpolation check box found in the TimeLine Operation dialog.
Q: How do I generate a single frame from the TimeLine?
A: A single frame can be created by setting the Begin Frame and Finish Frame values, in the Sequence Controls dialog, to the same value. For example, if you wanted to generate frame 10 of a 30 frame sequence, you would set both the Begin and Finish frame controls to ten.F/x would then generate the frame, and save it in the specified file format.