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§ 16.94.11 - Snow Particle System Example

Particle Definition

125 snowflakes, from 1 to 5 in size. They're distributed all over the image (width of 1 in X and Y, rectangular because the image is a rectangular entity.) There is no time advance; we want the particles to move smoothly, and they're already distributed all over so we don't need to shift their time periods to get that to happen. We are using a palette advance to move the flashing of the snowflakes around the system (see the palette for more on that.)
Force 1

This force gives us the constant diagonal 2:1 ratio of movement we wanted. Also, because snowflakes are light and tend to gyrate a bit as they fall, we've added some turbulence.

The palette is a mild gray, with occasional excursions to bright white, which are intended to represent the snowflake turning to orient itself into a reflective path to the observer's eye. "Catching the light", so to speak.
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WinImages F/x Manual Version 7, Revision 6, Level A

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