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§ 16.96.3 - Specific Script Commands to WinImages FX operators

In the command summaries that follow, when a parameter is in CAPITAL_LETTERS, this means that the parameter is a flag that is either zero or one, or possibly a range such as zero to four. If the latter is the case, the range is specified in square brackets.

If the parameter is in double quotes, then the parameter is a string.

All other parameters are numeric. If F/x needs a floating point number, then that's how the number will be treated. If F/x needs an integer, any fractional part of the number will be discarded. So 1.5 is the same as 1 for an integer number, and 1 is the same as 1.0 for a floating point number.


 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=ASTERIZE(red,green,blue,center saturation,width,rotation,arms,CENTER_GLOW,ADDITIVE,TAPER)

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=AURA(width,connect,radiate,seed,spokes,spoke variance,rings,ring variance,innerfade,r,g,b,outerfade,ro,go,bo)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=BANG(SCROLL[0-4], peaking, T-variance, min, max, detail, resolution, transparency, seed, depth, turb, CLASS[0-2], lo-thresh, hi-thresh, MAX_DYN, INVERT, overfill, PALETTE_LOCK)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=CELL(red,green,blue,DISCRETE EDGE,TRANSPARENCY,width,height,fade in)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=COLORIZE(hue,saturation,luma,APPLY SATURATION)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=CONTOUR(red, green, blue, b_red, b_green, b_blue, PLACE_BACKCOLOR, interval, EDGE_DETECTION)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=CONVOLVE(tl,tc,tr,l,c,r,bl,bc,br,threshold,USE THRESHOLD,bias,TWO PASS)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=ENCRYPT("password") *[password must be 8 or more characters]

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=ENTRAIN(precipitation,sea level,erosion,sediment)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=FIRE(length, direction, propogation, seed, lat structure, lat turbidity, lng structure, lng turbidity, wobbles, wobble amt, distortion, ADDITIVE, br, bg, bb, mr, mg, mb, er, eg, eb, tr, tg, tb)

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=FLATMAP(cliff thresh,sea level)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=ELEVATIONS(sealevel,shading percentage,USE_LOADED_PALETTE)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=GRID(xwidth, ywidth, PRIORITY[0-2], lineweight, start, NUMBERPRIORITY, NEWIMAGE, NUMBER_EVERY_INTERSECTION, number r,g,b, grad r,g,b, background r,g,b, border r,g,b)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=JITTER(seed,DIRECTION[0-2],probablility,spoke interval,max spokes,interstitial width,R,G,B,A)

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=JULIA(p1,p2,zoom,xpan,ypan,palette offset,LAMBDA)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=KEYIN(red,green,blue,rdev,gdev,bdev,KEY ON SOURCE,INVERSE,SOFT)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=LANDHAZE(hazelevel,fog linearity)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

LANDSCAPE() is the command that actually runs the operator. Before you call LANDSCAPE(), you should call these functions that set up the other LANDSCAPE() variables:

LANDTEXT(separation,tex depth,cam depth,TEXTURING,STEREO,PERSPECTIVE,ambient)
LANDHAZE(hazelevel,fog linearity)

These functions may be called in any order, except that LANDSCAPE() must be called last.

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=LANDTEXT(separation,tex depth,cam depth,TEXTURING,STEREO,PERSPECTIVE,ambient)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=LINED(red,green,blue,PLACE BACK,rback,gback,bback,height)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=MANDELBROT(p1,p2,zoom,xpan,ypan,palette offset)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=NET(red,green,blue,width,height,hori move, vert move,line width)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

Since a plug-in may have up to 67 parameters (though this is unlikely), we use a fairly flexible approach to get at individual parameters without getting too complex with function arguments.

With the exception of the radio button sets, the various types of plug-in settings are arranged either left to right or top to bottom. The "which" parameters below specify which unit, left to right or top to bottom. For instance, a=PUCHECK(2,1) checks the second checkmark from the left.

The radio buttons are arranged as the set of 8, the two sets of four, and the two sets of two. Left-to right ordering applies to both the sets of four and the sets of two.

The following functions may be used to set up any portion of a plug-in function:

a=PUCMD(command_number[0-29]) (immediately executes command button)

Once the plug-in function is set up, call this to run it:


 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=RAYTRACE(ANTIALIAS,recursion levels,"tracepath","tracefile")

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=RIC(percentage, size)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=RIS(v-percent, h-percent)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=RTILE(red,green,blue,h size,v size,x move,y move,size change,line width)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=STABILIZE(Poi X, Poi Y,Disp x,Disp y,EDGES SETTING,red,green,blue,alpha,TILE=0 or STRETCH=1) Note that only when the EDGES SETTING is set to 0 will the colors make a difference, but the scripting engine requires all parameters so these must be set.

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

STROKE() is the command that actually runs the operator. Before you call STROKE(), you should call these functions that set up the other STROKE() variables:


 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=SURFWARP(direction,amount,mid level,shading)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
 a=TEXTURE(type,SCROLL[0-4],ILLUMINATE,T-variance,detail,resolution,seed,depth,turb,CLASS[0-2],lo thresh,hi thresh,MAX DYNAMIC,INVERT,OVERWRITE)

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 

 See the Operator Documentation 
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WinImages F/x, Morph and all associated documentation
Copyright © 1992-2007 Black Belt Systems ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Under the Pan-American Conventions
WinImages F/x Manual Version 7, Revision 6, Level A

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