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§ 27.12 - Velocity Curve Window

§ 27.12.1 - Velocity Curve Overview

Velocity curves control the rate at which the start image distorts towards the end positions. Any point or line can be associated with any velocity curve. There can be any number of curves in a morph at one time. The first, and default, curve is named <normal>. Control points/lines can be associated with a Velocity curve making the area around the point move during the morph as specified by the curve. The <normal> curve is associated with all points and lines by default. Each curve can be adjusted by clicking and dragging it with the pointer. Curves can be independently loaded and saved to disk.

§ 27.12.2 - Velocity Curve Controls

§ - Rename:

Changes the name for the currently viewed curve.

§ - Smooth:

Smooths changes made the curve.

§ - Choose:

Selects a different curve to view and change.

§ - New:

Creates a new velocity curve. The default shape for the curve is smooth like <normal>.

§ - Load:

Load a velocity curve.

§ - Save:

Save the shown velocity curve.

§ - Undo:

Returns the curve to the state before the last set of changes were made.

§ - Done:

Closes the Velocity Curve Control window.

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WinImages F/x, Morph and all associated documentation
Copyright © 1992-2007 Black Belt Systems ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Under the Pan-American Conventions
WinImages F/x Manual Version 7, Revision 6, Level A

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