iToolBox 3.12 User's Manual

Table of Contents

  1 - Introduction
    1.1 - What Is This?
    1.2 - Where Can I Get It?
      1.2.1 - OSX
      1.2.2 - Windows 10
    1.3 - Versions and Documentation
    1.4 - How Does This Application Benefit Its Users?
    1.5 - System Requirements
  2 - iToolBox 3.12 Features
  3 - Conventions Used in this Document
  4 - Image Roles
  5 - Image Views
  6 - Getting Started
    6.1 - First Steps
    6.2 - Some Tips
      6.2.1 - The Basics Are Very Easy
      6.2.2 - Context Matters
      6.2.3 - Resizing Image Views
      6.2.4 - Key Commands Are Mnemonically Associated
      6.2.5 - Hot Repositioning Is... Hot!
      6.2.6 - The Polygon Tool Offers Hot Point Editing
      6.2.7 - Custom or Standard File and Color Dialogs
      6.2.8 - There Are Three Primary Image Types
  7 - Area Tools Dialog
    7.1 - Modality
      7.1.1 - Non-Modal (Modal Unchecked) - Creating New Selections - Adding To Existing Selections - Subtracting From Existing Selections - Deleting Existing Selections - Undo and Redo of Changes to Selections
      7.1.2 - Modal Selections
    7.2 - Mask With Alpha
    7.3 - Area Selects - Entire Image - Rectangle - Numeric Rectangle - Ellipse - Polygon - Spline - P-shape - Pencil - Text - Magic Wand - Redo - Magnify
    7.4 - Selection Modifiers - Complement - Open Figure - Filled Figure - Outline Modifier
    7.5 - Non-selects
      7.5.1 - Text Tool
      7.5.2 - Eyedropper
      7.5.3 - Preview Eyepoint
      7.5.4 - Magnify
      7.5.5 - Status Flag Area
    7.6 - Status Bar
    7.7 - Customize the Tool Icons
    7.8 - Color Wells
      7.8.1 - Foreground Well
      7.8.2 - Background Well
  8 - Application Menus
    8.1 - iToolBox Menu
      8.1.1 - About Menu Item
      8.1.2 - Preferences... Menu Item
    8.2 - File Menu
      8.2.1 - New Image Menu Item
      8.2.2 - New Text Menu Item
      8.2.3 - New Pcb Menu Item
      8.2.4 - Load Recent Path Submenu
      8.2.5 - Load Image Menu Item
      8.2.6 - Load Favorite Image Submenu
      8.2.7 - Load Recent Image Submenu - Clear Recent Files Menu Item
      8.2.8 - Load Next Image
      8.2.9 - Load P-shape
 - Clear Recent Paths Submenu Item
      8.2.10 - Retrieve Ray Trace
      8.2.11 - Save Image Menu Item
      8.2.12 - Save Image (atomic) Menu Item
      8.2.13 - Save Recent Path Submenu
      8.2.14 - Save Recent Path (atomic) Submenu
      8.2.15 - Export A:B GIF Animation
      8.2.16 - Save P-shape
      8.2.17 - P-shape Controller
      8.2.18 - Export Gerber Files
      8.2.19 - Print
      8.2.20 - Memory Report
    8.3 - Edit Menu
      8.3.1 - Copy (to Clipboard) Menu Item
      8.3.2 - Paste (from Clipboard) Menu Item
      8.3.3 - Undo Menu Item
      8.3.4 - Redo Menu Item
      8.3.5 - Set Undo Levels
      8.3.6 - Clear All Undos and Redos Menu Item
      8.3.7 - Key Assignment Menu Item
    8.4 - Selections Menu
      8.4.1 - Delete Selections Menu Item
      8.4.2 - Apply Again
      8.4.3 - Antialias Menu Item
      8.4.4 - Blend Mode Submenu - Matte Blend Mode - Add Blend Mode - Subtract Blend Mode - Add Grey Blend Mode - Subtract Grey Blend Mode - Multiply Blend Mode - Divide Blend Mode - Dissolve Blend Mode - Soft Dissolve Blend Mode - Foreground Color Blend Mode - Background Color Blend Mode
      8.4.5 - Blend Shape Dialog Menu Item
      8.4.6 - Cycle Selection Color Menu Item
      8.4.7 - Convert [type Region] to P-shape
      8.4.8 - Snap - Snap Grid - Display Snap Grid - Autohide Snap Grid
    8.5 - Operators Menu
    8.6 - Commands Menu
      8.6.1 - Assign as Favorite
      8.6.2 - Clone Menu Item
      8.6.3 - Clone to View Size Menu Item
      8.6.4 - Clone Scaled to View Size Menu Item
      8.6.5 - Enlarge / Reduce Menu Item
      8.6.6 - Extend Menu Item
      8.6.7 - Quarter Turn Cw Menu Item
      8.6.8 - Restore Crop to Origin Menu Item
      8.6.9 - Revert
      8.6.10 - Key Command Palette Menu Item
    8.7 - Views Menu
      8.7.1 - View Size Submenu
      8.7.2 - Zoom Reset Menu Item
      8.7.3 - Zoom in Menu Item
      8.7.4 - Zoom Out Menu Item
      8.7.5 - Set Zoom Step Size
      8.7.6 - Grid Menu Item
      8.7.7 - Grid Color Menu Item
      8.7.8 - Juxtapose Menu Item
      8.7.9 - Cascade Menu Item
      8.7.10 - Tile Menu Item
      8.7.11 - Reset Menu Item
      8.7.12 - Open Another View Menu Item
      8.7.13 - Y-axis Lock Menu Item
      8.7.14 - Alter Aspect on Y Menu Item
      8.7.15 - Alter Aspect on X Menu Item
      8.7.16 - Alter Aspect on Y by 2 Menu Item
      8.7.17 - Alter Aspect on X by 2 Menu Item
    8.8 - Images Menu
      8.8.1 - Close All Menu Item
      8.8.2 - Next Image Menu Item
      8.8.3 - Previous Image Menu Item
      8.8.4 - Assign as Brush Menu Item
      8.8.5 - Assign as Origin Menu Item
      8.8.6 - Inspect Menu Item
      8.8.7 - Measure Menu Item
      8.8.8 - Rename Menu Item
      8.8.9 - Layers: Promote or Open
      8.8.10 - Individual Image Menu Items
  9 - The Keyboard
    9.1 - Keystrokes in the Action Image Window
      9.1.1 - Help Window
      9.1.2 - Cancel Area Selection in Progress
      9.1.3 - Panning the Image Window
      9.1.4 - Area Tool Selection
      9.1.5 - View Window Sizes
      9.1.6 - Load Favorite Image
      9.1.7 - Load Next Image
      9.1.8 - Quick Operators Dialog Access
      9.1.9 - Color Image Variance Measurement
      9.1.10 - Monochrome Image Variance Measurement
      9.1.11 - Export Gerber Files
      9.1.12 - Select All and Operate (modal)
      9.1.13 - Operate on Current Selection (non-modal)
      9.1.14 - Operate (1-shot "Apply Again")
      9.1.15 - Antialiasing Toggle for Current Area Tool
      9.1.16 - Assigning an Image as the Brush
      9.1.17 - Area Blending
      9.1.18 - Clone Image
      9.1.19 - Clone Image at View Size (no scaling)
      9.1.20 - Clone Image at View Size (scaled)
      9.1.21 - Copy Image to Clipboard
      9.1.22 - Delete (clear) the Current Mask (for Non-modal Selections)
      9.1.23 - Snap Dialog
      9.1.24 - Toggle Snap Display
      9.1.25 - Toggle Snapping
      9.1.26 - Enlarge / Reduce Image to Duplicate
      9.1.27 - Embiggen View
      9.1.28 - Restoring an Image to Its Original Clipped-from Location
      9.1.29 - Assign Image File as Favorite
      9.1.30 - Placing a Viewable Grid Around Each Pixel
      9.1.31 - Changing the Grid Color
      9.1.32 - Operator Hotkeys
      9.1.33 - Reset the Next Created Image Window Home Position
      9.1.34 - Opening the Image Information Window
      9.1.35 - Juxtaposing Images for Image-to-image Comparisons
      9.1.36 - Opening the Keyboard Command Palette
      9.1.37 - Work with/as a Layered Image
      9.1.38 - Controlling the Rulers
      9.1.39 - Toggle Modal State of Area Selections
      9.1.40 - Toggle Mask With Target Alpha
      9.1.41 - Reset Blend Mode to Matte
      9.1.42 - Opening the Macro Window
      9.1.43 - Launching Macros
      9.1.44 - Next and Previous Image
      9.1.45 - Set Origin Image
      9.1.46 - Operate (for Non-modal Selections)
      9.1.47 - Print the Action Image
      9.1.48 - Open the P-shape Controller
      9.1.49 - Quarter Turn the Action Image
      9.1.50 - Redo (reverse an Undo)
      9.1.51 - Rename an Image
      9.1.52 - Rotate a P-shape
      9.1.53 - Revert to Initially Loaded Condition
      9.1.54 - Save an Image
      9.1.55 - Picking up the Hover Color
      9.1.56 - Text Generation
      9.1.57 - Undo Changes
      9.1.58 - Open Another View on an Image
      9.1.59 - Paste the Clipboard Into a New Image
      9.1.60 - Change Color of Non-modal Selections
      9.1.61 - Extend Image Dimensions
      9.1.62 - Lock / Unlock Y-axis - Addressing Common Aspect Ratio Problems
      9.1.63 - Zooming in and Out
    9.2 - Keystrokes in the Operator Dialog
    9.3 - Keystrokes in the Layer Dialog
    9.4 - Keystrokes in the Measure Dialog
  10 - Application Views and Dialogs
  11 - Common Tasks
    11.1 - Editing Small Regions in Oddly-Shaped Images
    11.2 - Cropping Images
    11.3 - Changing an Image's Size
    11.4 - Adding Text to Images
    11.5 - Adjusting DSLR Images
  12 - Operators Dialog
    12.1 - List of Adjustment Operators
    12.2 - List of Alpha Operators
    12.3 - List of Compose Operators
    12.4 - List of Filter Operators
    12.5 - List of Geometry Operators
    12.6 - List of Meta Operators
    12.7 - List of PCB Operators
    12.8 - List of Render Operators
    12.9 - List of Warp Operators
    12.10 - List of All Operators
    12.11 - Operator Details
      12.11.1 - Alpha Modify
      12.11.2 - Annotation
      12.11.3 - Author
      12.11.4 - Bend - WARP
      12.11.5 - Brushstroke - Blend - Make Brush - Scaling - Interval - Displacement - Rotation - Shadow - Image Barrels
      12.11.6 - Burn
      12.11.7 - Camera
      12.11.8 - Caricature - WARP
      12.11.9 - Ceiling
      12.11.10 - Center
      12.11.11 - Chroma Noise Reduction
      12.11.12 - Color Fill
      12.11.13 - Colorize
      12.11.14 - Color Map
      12.11.15 - Convolve - What Convolutions Do - Some Common Convolutions
      12.11.16 - Color Reduction - Examples
      12.11.17 - Contrast and Brightness
      12.11.18 - Local Contrast
      12.11.19 - Histogram Equalization
      12.11.20 - Copyright
      12.11.21 - Crop
      12.11.22 - Curves
      12.11.23 - Darken
      12.11.24 - Darkness Gain
      12.11.25 - Dodge
      12.11.26 - Dome - WARP
      12.11.27 - DPI
      12.11.28 - Edge Detection
      12.11.29 - Emboss
      12.11.30 - Exposure
      12.11.31 - Flip
      12.11.32 - Floor
      12.11.33 - Force Dynamic
      12.11.34 - Frame
      12.11.35 - Fractals
      12.11.36 - Gamma
      12.11.37 - Gain
      12.11.38 - Gaussian Blur
      12.11.39 - Guitar Chord - Creating a Blank Chord or Scale Template
      12.11.40 - GPS
      12.11.41 - Halftone
      12.11.42 - Horizontal Remove
      12.11.43 - Hue
      12.11.44 - Infill
      12.11.45 - Jumble - Reversibility
      12.11.46 - Kaleidoscope - WARP
      12.11.47 - Key to Colorspace
      12.11.48 - Keystone - WARP
      12.11.49 - Layer Clear
      12.11.50 - Legend Label
      12.11.51 - Legend Label
      12.11.52 - Levels
      12.11.53 - Maximum
      12.11.54 - Measure
      12.11.55 - Median
      12.11.56 - Merge
      12.11.57 - Math
      12.11.58 - Minimum
      12.11.59 - Mirror - WARP
      12.11.60 - Monochrome
      12.11.61 - Monofix
      12.11.62 - Negative
      12.11.63 - Notations - Visibility - Notation Storage - JSON Output - Another Example - Gallery Example for Developers
      12.11.64 - Notch Filter
      12.11.65 - Pad - An Example Pin Grid Array
      12.11.66 - Perlin Noise
      12.11.67 - Perspective - WARP
      12.11.68 - Pixelize
      12.11.69 - Place
      12.11.70 - Plane
      12.11.71 - Radial Wave - WARP
      12.11.72 - Random
      12.11.73 - Range Fill
      12.11.74 - Remove Isolated Streaks
      12.11.75 - Remove Isolated Pixels
      12.11.76 - RGB Shift
      12.11.77 - Channel Move
      12.11.78 - Roll - WARP
      12.11.79 - Rotate 90°
      12.11.80 - Rotation - WARP
      12.11.81 - Sample
      12.11.82 - Saturation
      12.11.83 - Script - Creating Basic Scripts - Numeric Constants - Operator Commands - Variables
 - General
 - Preset System Variables - String Expressions
 - String operator (~) functions - Numeric Expressions
 - Unary Operations
 - Numeric Functions - Area Selection Commands - Miscellaneous Commands - User-defined Functions
 - Returning numeric values from user-defined functions
 - Returning string values from user-defined functions - Arrays
 - General
 - Array Functions - Comparative math operators - Conditionals
 - If() Examples - Looping
      12.11.84 - Script Settings Dialog - The Script Presets Dialog
      12.11.85 - Sharpen
      12.11.86 - Skew - WARP
      12.11.87 - Software
      12.11.88 - Spherize
      12.11.89 - Stretch - WARP
      12.11.90 - Swirl - WARP
      12.11.91 - Time
      12.11.92 - Tunnel
      12.11.93 - Valves
      12.11.94 - Vertical Remove
      12.11.95 - Vignette
      12.11.96 - White Balance
      12.11.97 - Window & Level
      12.11.98 - YRB Conversion
  13 - Command Palette Dialog
  14 - Preferences Dialog
    14.1 - Antialiasing
    14.2 - Wand Always Global
    14.3 - Grid
    14.4 - Meta Defaults
    14.5 - Help
    14.6 - Set Icons
    14.7 - Confirmation
    14.8 - Miscellaneous
    14.9 - Set Help Url
    14.10 - Alpha Treatment
  15 - Measure Dialog
    15.1 - Moving the Rulers
      15.1.1 - To the Edges
      15.1.2 - A Few Pixels at a Time
  16 - New Image Dialog
  17 - Text Generation Dialog
    17.1 - Text Substitution in the Text Dialog
    17.2 - Prompted Text Substitution
    17.3 - Generating other content into the Text Dialog
      17.3.1 - Simple Substitutions
  18 - Blending Dialog
    18.1 - Conical Blending
    18.2 - Flat Blending
    18.3 - Maximum Axis Blending
    18.4 - Sine Blending
  19 - Layers Dialog — .elx Files
    19.1 - Interface
    19.2 - What Are Layers?
    19.3 - Tips for Working on Layers
    19.4 - Anatomy of a Layered Image
    19.5 - Special Roles for Layered Images
    19.6 - Layer Blending Modes
      19.6.1 - Traditional Blend Modes - Normal - Behind - Add - Add Grey - Absolute Subtract - Subtract - Difference - Multiply - Divide
      19.6.2 - Light Blend Modes - Dodge - Burn - Vivid - Screen - Overlay
      19.6.3 - Priority Blend Modes - Brighten - Maximum - Dominate - Darken - Minimum - Submit
      19.6.4 - Adjustment Blend Modes - Brightness - Contrast - Drive - Tint - Saturate - Envalue
      19.6.5 - Blend As Modes - Average - Luma
      19.6.6 - Masking Blend Modes - Mask - Inverted Mask - Grey Mask - +HCKey - -HCKey - Match - No Match
      19.6.7 - Color Separation Blend Modes - Red - Green - Blue - Hue - Saturation - Value - H - S - V - Cyan - Magenta - Yellow - Black
      19.6.8 - Stacking Blend Modes - Average (Add+Avg) Stack - Median Stack
      19.6.9 - Geometric Blend Mode - Warp
      19.6.10 - Logical Blend Modes - AND - NAND - OR - NOR - XOR - XNOR
      19.6.11 - PCB Blend Modes - PCB Copper - PCB Legend - PCB Solder Mask - PCB Drill Hole - PCB Board Profile
  20 - Extend Image Dimensions Dialog
  21 - Enlarge / Reduce Dialog
  22 - File Dialog
      22.0.1 - Parent
      22.0.2 - Refresh
      22.0.3 - Assigns
      22.0.4 - New Folder
      22.0.5 - Delete Folder
      22.0.6 - Delete File
      22.0.7 - Volumes List
      22.0.8 - Folders List
      22.0.9 - Files List
      22.0.10 - Filename
      22.0.11 - Path
      22.0.12 - Filter
      22.0.13 - Show Thumbnails
      22.0.14 - Confirm Overwrites
      22.0.15 - Enforce Filter .ext
      22.0.16 - Sort Assigns
      22.0.17 - Reverse Folders
      22.0.18 - Reverse Files
      22.0.19 - Reverse Assigns
      22.0.20 - File List Sorting
      22.0.21 - Incrementing Filenames With Numbers
  23 - Palette Dialog
  24 - Snap Dialog
  25 - New PCB Dialog
    25.1 - # Layers Control
    25.2 - PCB Dimensions
    25.3 - Options
  26 - Image Information Dialog
  27 - About Dialog
  28 - Custom Tool Icon Settings Dialog
  29 - Keystroke Assignment Dialog
    29.1 - Overview
    29.2 - Dialog Controls
      29.2.1 - Available Commands (list)
      29.2.2 - Func. Search String
      29.2.3 - Keystroke Assignments (list)
      29.2.4 - Key Search String
      29.2.5 - Op Search String
      29.2.6 - Shift Checkbox
      29.2.7 - Ctrl Checkbox
      29.2.8 - Opt/alt Checkbox
      29.2.9 - ⌘ / ⊞ checkbox
      29.2.10 - Unqual Checkbox
      29.2.11 - Unassigned Checkbox
      29.2.12 - Unassigned Checkbox
      29.2.13 - Assign ⏎
      29.2.14 - Clear Key Button
      29.2.15 - Load Button
      29.2.16 - Save Button
      29.2.17 - Save as Defaults Button
      29.2.18 - Reset All Keys Button
      29.2.19 - Cancel Button
      29.2.20 - Ok Button
      29.2.21 - Help Button
  30 - Help Dialog
  31 - Drag and Drop
  32 - The Startup Sequence Script
  33 - Image File Compatibility
    33.1 - Image Formats iToolBox Loads
    33.2 - File Formats iToolBox Saves
  34 - Atomic File Format
  35 - Layered File Format
  36 - Palette File Format
  37 - JSON Notation File Format
  38 - JSON Curve File Format
  39 - JSON Frame File Format
  40 - JSON P-Shape Format
  41 - .rgba image format
  42 - .mcai image format
    42.1 - Overview
    42.2 - Rules:
    42.3 - Specification
      42.3.1 - The MCAI (Header) Chunk
      42.3.2 - The THUM Chunk
      42.3.3 - Text-content Chunks - The AUTH chunk - The ANNO chunk - The COPY chunk - The CTIM chunk - The MTIM chunk - The NAME chunk - The SOFT chunk - The LATI chunk - The LONG chunk - The ALTI chunk - The SHUT chunk - The APER chunk - The FLEN chunk - The ISOV chunk - The XCEN chunk - The YCEN chunk - The XDPI chunk - The YDPI chunk
      42.3.4 - Image Data Chunks - MAPX chunks - XCHA chunks - Compression blocks
 - MCAI_nocomp Blocks
 - MCAI_newsingle Blocks
 - MCAI_newsingle8 Blocks
 - MCAI_nocomp8 Blocks
 - MCAI_nocomp4 Blocks
 - MCAI_4dm2 Blocks
 - MCAI_monolithic Blocks
 - MCAI_1mapped16 Blocks
 - MCAI_2mapped16 Blocks
 - MCAI_4mapped16 Blocks
 - MCAI_8mapped16 Blocks
 - MCAI_zlib Blocks
  43 - Opening .elx and .ato files from Finder
  44 - Supported Cameras and File Formats
  45 - About EXIF
  46 - Using iToolBox with SSTV
    46.1 - Processing Received Images
    46.2 - Preparing Images for Transmission
  47 - PCB Creation
    47.1 - Overview
    47.2 - Specific Uses of Color in a Gerber-Ready PCB Image Layer
    47.3 - Antialiasing Disabled
    47.4 - Odd and Even Sized PCB Elements
    47.5 - A Walk-through Creating a Tiny Board
      47.5.1 - Placing a DIP IC on the PCB
      47.5.2 - Creating Circuit Traces
      47.5.3 - The Drill-hole Layer
      47.5.4 - Stacking up the Results
      47.5.5 - The Legend (silkscreen) Layers
    47.6 - Printing a Single Layer or the Master
    47.7 - Creating the Gerber Files
      47.7.1 - The Circuit Side Layer
      47.7.2 - The Component Side Layer
      47.7.3 - The Board Outline (Profile) Layer
      47.7.4 - The Drill Layer
      47.7.5 - The Top Solder Mask Layer
      47.7.6 - The Bottom Solder Mask Layer
      47.7.7 - The Silkscreen (Top Legend) Layer
      47.7.8 - The Bottom Legend Layer
    47.8 - Higher-Density Designs — Two Lines Between Pads
  48 - About Your Privacy
    48.1 - How I Handle Application Usage Data
    48.2 - Clearing Edited Filenames
    48.3 - Contacting Me About Privacy Issues
  49 - In Case of Problems
  50 - Credits and Acknowledgments
    50.1 - Core Platform
    50.2 - Application Code
    50.3 - Libraries
    50.4 - Art
    50.5 - General Kudos and Thumbs-Ups
  51 - Honorable Software
  52 - About the Manual
    52.1 - Suggestions for Index, Glossary Entries, Manual Content
    52.2 - Feature Suggestions
    52.3 - Reporting Bugs or Other Problems
    52.4 - Benefits of Online Documentation
      52.4.1 - And the One Downside...
  53 - Changes List
  54 - Glossary
  55 - Index
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iToolBox 3.12
This Documentation and Associated Application Executables are Public Domain
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