Operators Dialog / Operator Details

§ 12.11.11 - Chroma Noise Reduction

Scripting command: chromanoise [Degree=0...100] [Radius=1...20] [Threshold=0...100] [Hue=0...1] [Sat=0...1]

Note: All available scripting operations are listed on the Script operator page.

Reduces noise in the hue and saturation of the selected region, leaving the value alone. This results in the general sharpness of the image remaining, while the color information distribution becomes softer.

The Degree setting controls the percentage of effect applied.

The Threshold setting sets a limit on affecting large changes, which are likely to be correct. This is because in an image with noisy chroma, the noise is (usually) likely to be small, while valid image changes are likely to be large. So with this, you are telling the algorithm to ignore large chroma excursions.

 Radius    determines how many pixels are examined for the filtering operation.  Radius    is accurately circular, rather than square; so pixels can be partially involved in the filtering operation. Also,  Radius    incorporates the assumption that the pixels involved have a 1:1 aspect ratio (that is, they are square pixels.)

The larger the image, the larger  Radius    can practically be. For small images, as are typical on the web, etc., a smaller  Radius    would normally be used.

Larger  Radius    settings will take more time to process as compared to smaller settings.

 Hue instructs the operator to filter hue information.

 Saturation instructs the operator to filter saturation information.

The Reduce Chroma Noise operator
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