Scripting command: perlin [Density=0...100] [Seed=1...9999] [Offset=0...255] [Turb=0...7] [Gain=0...100] [Contrast=0...200] [Floor=0...100] [Smooth=0...1]
Perlin noise is a soft noise field. This operator allows you to control the field in several ways, and map the resulting field to a palette. At that point it is applied to any area selection you make. The noise field is spatially mapped to your area selection as well; the field itself is square, so of you select a non-square region, the field will be "smushed" into that aspect ratio.
Density controls how complex the noise region will be.
Offset controls where in the palette the the color mapping begins.
Turbulence controls the complexity of the noise field.
Gain controls the number of palette entries; at 100, the range is the full palette.
Contrast also controls the number of palette entries; at 100, the range is the full palette. At 0, you'll only get one color. At 200, the range will clip at 50% field intensity.
Floor pushes the noise field up the palette, away from the colors on the left.
The Random Seed control gives you a different, 100% repeatable noise field for every different value.
✓ Smooth Palette Colors Provides colors interpolated between the 64 palette colors when the mapping is done.
The Pal button provides the means to save, load, edit and design palettes using the Palette dialog.
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