§ 18 - Blending Dialog

The Blending Dialog

Blending allows you to provide a general transparency blend for your area selections, most often used for the following compose operators:

  1. Brushstroke
  2. Color Fill
  3. Crop
  4. Guitar Chord
  5. Frame
  6. Math
  7. Merge
  8. Perlin Noise
  9. Place
  10. Range Fill
  11. Tunnel

Blending is off when it is set to  Flat   , Amplitude is all the way to the right, and Floor is all the way to the left:

Blending Off

§ 18.1 - Conical Blending

 Conical    blends to a sharp peak along both axes.

§ 18.2 - Flat Blending

 Flat    blends evenly across the area selection on both axes.

§ 18.3 - Maximum Axis Blending

 Maximum Axis    blends along a circular curve to the extent of the larger axis, along both axes.

§ 18.4 - Sine Blending

 Sine    blends along a sine curve on both axes.

Here are examples of blending off ( Flat   , Amplitude = 100%), and  Maximum Axis    with Amplitude = 100%:

Blending off with an ellipse

Blending on with an ellipse and Maximum Axis blend mode
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