Operators can be selected five ways:
Operators "do something" to the portions of the image defined by the area selections you make with the tools in the area toolbox.
Each operator attempts to give you some idea what will happen before you do anything by showing its effect within the preview box in the Operators dialog.
You can move where this preview looks when it's not in Thumb ⇳ mode with the preview eyepoint tool 👁️ in the Areatools, by performing a upon the preview image itself and dragging, and you can use ←, →, ↑, or ↓ to pan around (also shift+←, →, ↑, or ↓), (also opt/alt+←, →, ↑, or ↓) when the Operators dialog is the active window and an input value box is not selected.
You can reset any operator that has settings to its default condition by pressing Reset.
You can set a hotkey to quickly access any of the operators by clicking Set and entering one character in the next dialog, then clicking OK. Once set, pressing h followed within about one second by that hotkey will cause the operator dialog to select the operation for which you chose the hotkey. You can remove an existing hotkey by clicking Set, leaving the entry widget blank, and clicking OK. You can also immediately cancel a hotkey h prefix by pressing h again. If you don't cancel the hotkey h prefix, but fail to enter another keystroke within one second, the h prefix will automatically cancel itself.
You can open the documentation to the page for the current operator by pressing Help.
The Q button opens (or closes, if already open) the Quick Operators dialog.
If the →Script button is enabled for any one operator, clicking it will create a script line with the current settings of that operator. This allows you to test settings, undoing them as needed, until you are getting the results you want, then with one click, you can capture that exact effect to the Script operator.
If the CS button is enabled, this indicates there is/are (a) line(s) in the script operator, and clicking CS will allow you to clear those lines to start accumulating new lines fresh. The default is that you will be prompted to ask if you're sure; you can turn off that prompt in the Preferences dialog if you prefer to live dangerously.
For the preview itself, you can choose a Thumb ⇳ (thumbnail) representation of the entire image, or look at a sub-region at 1x ⇳ or 2x ⇳ magnification from the Preview's drop-down menu in the Operators window.
You can do a before/after comparison in the preview by pressing and releasing Before.
You can click and drag the viewing area in the preview around when it is not set to Thumb ⇳
You can also use the preview eyepoint tool 👁️ to select a specific viewpoint for the 1x and 2x views within any image view.
As long as there is an image loaded, when the operator dialog is active, you can press n to go to the next operator in the list, and N (shift+n) to go to the previous operator in the list.
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