§ 15 - Measure Dialog

The Measure Dialog

§ 15.1 - Moving the Rulers

To move the rulers, you can use , , , or home when the Measure dialog is active. This will move the rulers in the most recently active image view.

§ 15.1.1 - To the Edges

home moves the rulers top and left.

shift+home moves the rulers top and right.

opt/alt+home moves the rulers bottom and left.

shift+opt/alt+home moves the rulers bottom and right.

§ 15.1.2 - A Few Pixels at a Time

, , , or moves the rulers one pixel at a time.

shift+, , , or moves the rulers ten pixels at a time.

opt/alt+, , , or moves the rulers one hundred pixels at a time.

shift+opt/alt+, , , or moves the rulers two hundred fifty pixels at a time.

Rulers on in inches mode

Rulers on in centimeters mode

Rulers on in pixels mode

Rulers on in pixels mode, opacity setting 3
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