§ 37 - JSON Notation File Format

This is a standard JSON file.

Here is example output:

.json notation file format

    "Notations": [
            "anchorX": 333,
            "anchorY": 265,
            "areaMode": "Ellipse",
            "extentX": 356,
            "extentY": 294,
            "opacity": 0.5,
            "text": "Elliptical area on top",
            "textX": 333,
            "textY": 265,
            "title": "Notation 1"
            "anchorX": 87,
            "anchorY": 385,
            "areaMode": "Rectangle",
            "extentX": 109,
            "extentY": 412,
            "opacity": 0.5,
            "text": "Rect area\non bottom",
            "textX": 98,
            "textY": 385,
            "title": "Notation 2"
            "anchorX": 69,
            "anchorY": 104,
            "areaMode": "Polygon",
            "extentX": 102,
            "extentY": 136,
            "opacity": 0.5,
            "pointList": [
                    "i": 0,
                    "x": 83,
                    "y": 104
                    "i": 1,
                    "x": 69,
                    "y": 136
                    "i": 2,
                    "x": 102,
                    "y": 132
                    "i": 3,
                    "x": 83,
                    "y": 104
            "text": "Simple polygon",
            "textX": 85,
            "textY": 104,
            "title": "Notation 3"
    "imageXW": 512,
    "imageYW": 512,
    "imagename": "lena_std.ato",
    "tinyDocs": {
        "c 1": "JSON image notation data:",
        "c 2": "-------------------------",
        "c 3": "",
        "c 4": "This data contains image notations and related area",
        "c 5": "selection information that provides a means for an",
        "c 6": "image gallery to display notations with elliptical,",
        "c 7": "rectangular, polygonal or freehand area indications",
        "c 8": "over an image displayed to a gallery visitor.",
        "c 9": "",
        "c10": "X and Y positions are all in image space. The image",
        "c11": "resolution is given as imageXW and imageYW, which",
        "c12": "you use to scale the notation areas to their proper",
        "c13": "locations and sizes for your display of the image,",
        "c14": "regardless of scale.",
        "c15": "",
        "c16": "For Ellipses, anchor is the  center of the ellipse,",
        "c17": "and the extents are the X and Y radii respectively.",
        "c18": "",
        "c19": "For Rectangles, the anchor is the top left and the",
        "c20": "extents are the bottom right.",
        "c21": "",
        "c22": "For Freehand and Polygon area modes, the pointList",
        "c23": "contains a series of numbered XY points. If the area",
        "c24": "is closed, the last point will be the same as the",
        "c25": "first, so all you have to be concerned with is drawing",
        "c26": "lines between the points in the list. Anchor and extent",
        "c27": "are set to the top left and bottom right of the indicated",
        "c28": "region, and can be used as a simplistic rectangular",
        "c29": "detect for the mouse hover position over these types",
        "c30": "of areas.",
        "c31": "",
        "c32": "The textx and texty positions provide basic positioning",
        "c33": "information to help you locate the text information",
        "c34": "in a reasonable location associated with the area",
        "c35": "indication.",
        "c36": "",
        "c37": "Opacity is a value between 0 and 1, where .5 represents",
        "c38": "a 50% opaque backdrop and 1.0 represents a fully opaque",
        "c39": "backdrop. Recommendation is that regions be drawn",
        "c40": "only if the user hovers the pointer over the image,",
        "c41": "and that the text associated with the regions be drawn",
        "c42": "only if the user hovers the pointer over the indicated",
        "c43": "region."
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