§ 53 - Changes List
Version 3.13 (→ Version not yet uploaded)
Curves operator adds RGB channel and luma options
Guitar Chord operator adds ✓ Labels to turn text on or off
Guitar Chord operator adds ✓ Dots to turn chord generation on or off
Regression where first loaded image was incorrectly offset a few pixels fixed
Version 3.12
Curves operator adds sliders to preset various degrees of gain curves
Image information dialog now reports EXIF information for JPEG images
Added ✓ EXIF to Preferences dialog to enable writing JPEG EXIF
Math operator added
The Levels operator has been improved and scripting input value ranges changed
Fixed spline tool regression where open spline would "hook"
H (shift+h) (H) resets the location of the next created window
Added Match layer mode
Added No Match layer mode
Added ✓ Offset Loads to Preferences dialog
Version 3.11
Version 3.10
Added Median operator
Added five more operator slots to the Quick Operators dialog
control+m now toggles area selection modal state
Version 3.09
Added better undo smarts for group ops: Pad operator, Valves operator, Layer Clear operator
U (shift+u) removed; u now is smart enough to know when to do a group undo
Brushstroke operator now displays the current brush at the bottom of the Operators dialog controls area
Layer Clear operator now informs if group undo will be available based on its settings
Views/Juxtapose ( juxtapose ) will now home when only one image is loaded
Version 3.08
Added Views/View Size/Embiggen — also E (shift+e)
The wand tool gets live adjustment with drag in ✓ Modal (non-modal) mode
The Layers dialog H and V flip commands now ignore fill and open figure
Version 3.07
Version 3.06
Added Valves operator — generates printed circuit board patterns for vacuum tubes
Added Plane operator — generates printed circuit board copper planes
Added Legend Label operator — generates labels for connectors and pins
Layer Clear operator gets options to select layer types to clear
Antialiasing disabled for printed circuit board layer types, regardless of settings
Text substitution gets new code: {vbar}, which produces the character |
Antialias warning generated for text generation with PCB image open
Version 3.05
Some alterations to window resize limit and position handling
quarter turn operation addresses window turning as well as image
Redundant "[compose]" tags removed from Operators dialog list of operators
Threshold slider disabled in outline modifier dialog if not in alpha mode
Version 3.04
outline areatool modifier gets some new options and a Help button
Quick Operators dialog now offers ten quick operator selections
Quick Operators dialog takes up slightly less display area
Halftone operator gets 2x2 to 64x64 ordered halftoning
REGRESSION (fixed): When images were zoomed closer than 1:1 in ✓ Modal (non-modal) mode, selections were difficult to see (since 3.01)
Version 3.03
Layers dialog now much more picky about exact keystrokes it handles
Snap dialog gains ✓ Hot Changes control
Saving layered images now provides a per-layer progress indicator
Panning and zooming maintains drawn state of polygons and polysplines
Version 3.02
Layers dialog Target lets you use the master as the selection canvas for any layer
Pad operator moved to new Operators/PCB ▶ submenu
Layer Clear operator added to the Operators/PCB ▶ submenu
Operate in Areatools changed to Apply
Version 3.01
Added Source ⇳ to Halftone operator
Added DMethod ⇳ to Halftone operator
Improved area selection display in non-modal mode
Changed up the available colors for non-modal selection marquees
New images and brushes are initially named more clearly
Images chosen from the Images menu will now activate
B (shift+b) now opens blending dialog (used to be b)
b now assigns as brush (used to be B (shift+b))
A little more space given to image role names in Areatools
Improved printed circuit board Gerber file output
Version 3.00
Added Infill operator
Added Halftone operator
Added Selections/Autohide Snap Grid
Made snap menu settings checkable
Added File/Save Recent Path
Added File/Save Recent Path (Atomic)
Update zoom level display on image window resize
Improved menu checkmarks following keyboard commands
PCB layer modes cannot incorporate positional offsets
Extend Image dialog will now extend all PCB layers and master when extending any PCB layer
Extend Image dialog will retain consistent positioning on non-PCB layers when extending PCB layers
Gerber file exporter will now only export valid PCB layers
REGRESSION (fixed): pencil was not obeying zoom (since v2.97)
BUG (fixed): z in layers dialog context would zero any layer, and could not be undone
BUG (fixed): Help link in Pad operator was incorrect
Version 2.99
Added File/New PCB and the New PCB dialog
Added Pad operator
Added specific layer modes for printed circuit board boards:
undo will now undo sequential full pad placement (copper, mask, drill) when the Pad operator is in scope
U (shift+u) form of undo will undo multiple, non-sequential pad placements at any time
The wand now automatically performs a global pick if tolerance is set to zero
The Preferences dialog now has a ✓ Wand always global setting to force the wand to global pick within the Areatools tolerance

REGRESSION (fixed): p-shape controller dialog would not open
Version 2.98
Image zoom levels pushed to titlebar of Areatools
Layers dialog title changes if you save layered image under a new name
Layers dialog gets new H button to horizontally flip all layers
Layers dialog gets new V button to vertically flip all layers
Gerber file soldermask layers are inverted
Place operator gets ✓ stamp option, a quick way to move all layers to target
The printed circuit board Gerber file setup dialog gets layer sample previews to clarify settings
f now blasts back RGBA verbatim instead of mixing as per source image alpha
Switching from non-modal to modal deletes current selections
In non-modal and no selection is present, and Edit/Copy is performed, the entire image is copied to the clipboard
BUG (fixed): f was mislabeled in the Keystroke Assignment dialog
Version 2.97
Added Gerber file export for printed circuit board generation
Added Jumble operator
Added Snap dialog Selections/Snap Dialog , D (shift+d)
Added global snapping enable/disable Selections/Toggle Snapping , ⌥+d and [S/s] indicator
Color Fill operator gets the ability to set itself from the Areatools colors
Color Fill operator gets the ability to quickly set itself to black or white
Added global snap display enable/disable Selections/Toggle Snap Display , control+d
Areatools now display the mouse-over alpha value as well as the RGB values
New Image dialog round brush generation improved for small brushes
Brushes are as round as possible (more so) when 24x24 or smaller
actual shaping begins appearing in 5x5 brushes
The restriction that round brushes must be odd-size/dimensions removed
New Image dialog no longer creates elliptical brushes
New Image dialog gets quick-set colors for black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta and yellow
P (shift+p) now opens the p-shape controller
In ✓ Modal the default when you use Edit/Copy or ⌘+c is copy right now
New Preferences dialog option ✓ non-modal copy = simple to reverse this so that the previous method of whole-image copy is available.
Area selections now default to ✓ Modal (non-modal)
File dialog will no longer show a thumbnail when it is first opened
File dialog now provides a ✓ Show Thumbnails option
Version 2.96
Place operator gets ✓ Move operating mode
✓ Red
✓ Green
✓ Blue
✓ Alpha
Place operator gets ✓ Auto Alpha setting
Added transparent / non-transparent option to extended region of Extend Image dialog
Added fill color control to extended region of Extend Image dialog
Added DEFLATE compression to .mcai loader/saver
Version 2.95
Added .iff HAM-E (meta HAM mode) image loading
Added .pix uncompressed 128x128 4-bit image loading
Added .mcai 64-bit image load and save
Version 2.94
In Layers dialog context, ⌥+f will bring the master image to the front
In Layers dialog context, ⌥+F (shift+f) will bring the master image to the front and home it
Added five more true color .iff image loaders, 9-bit through 21-bit
.iff image loaders now obey masking bitplane, if present
.iff image loaders now obey transparent color register, if present
Version 2.93
Version 2.92
Version 2.91
Macro invocation now uses control + ⌥ + [top row number key]
If an Internet connection is available, builds from this point forth will always:
Try to obtain a serial number until one is successfully retrieved from fyngyrz.com
Try to update availability of new versions at startup
The Extend Image dialog provides extension calculations and set controls
The Extend Image dialog now provides reflection cues at image edges
The Extend Image dialog now uses smart dialog positioning
Version 2.90
Added generation of GIF animations from identically sized image layers in Layers dialog
Version 2.89
Added the Tunnel operator
The Enlarge / Reduce dialog gets a switch for persistence of ✓ V-Priority
In Layers dialog context, f will bring the currently selected layer to the front
In Layers dialog context, F (shift+f) will bring the currently selected layer to the front, and home it
The Enlarge / Reduce dialog gets Preset Width and Preset Height incorporating priority
Added Help to Enlarge / Reduce dialog
New f16 keystroke displays color image variance in status bar
New f17 keystroke displays B&W image variance in status bar
Version 2.88
x keystroke (extend) now allows up to 10000 on any axis
x keystroke (extend) now provides for reflection on any axis
New Views/Reset resets next view position
Version 2.87
Privacy documentation link now in WWW access permissions dialog
New f14 keystroke opens "Quick Operators" window
New Q button in Operators dialog opens "Quick Operators" window
File dialog now displays image resolutions
File dialog now displays thumbnails under more conditions
Operators dialog Operate button availability now depends upon ✓ Modal (non-modal)
Version 2.86
New function File/Load Next Image and F13 keystroke
1x and 2x pan modes in Operators dialog thumbnail have better image-edge behavior
Images smaller on both axis' than the Operators dialog thumbnail are stretched to fit
Version 2.85
Hover color (active image only) is now displayed in the status bar (to 8-bits accuracy)
⌥+s sets Sample operator to the hover color
⌥+s sets Color Fill operator to the hover color if Color Fill operator is the current operator
Contrast & Brightness operator gets C-Center

If all images are closed, the image number is now reset to one
Added ✓ Make Horizontally Reflected Tile to Crop operator
Added ✓ Make Vertically Reflected Tile to Crop operator
Version 2.84
unreleased version, some code refactoring and testing, no new/altered features
Version 2.83
Version 2.82
Version 2.81
Horizontal Remove operator gets ✓ red, ✓ green, and ✓ blue channel controls
Vertical Remove operator gets ✓ red, ✓ green, and ✓ blue channel controls
Added shift, ⌥, and shift+⌥ options to ✓ visible in Layers dialog
Added text button to the Layers dialog
Added ✓ V-Scale and associated vertical setting to Text dialog
Added shift-⌥-r — reverts atomic images to their initially loaded state
Added Commands/Revert — reverts atomic images to their initially loaded state
Complex label of ✓ visible is now clickable in Layers dialog
Compex label of ✓ ruler(s) on/off is now clickable in Measure dialog
Compex label of ✓ active window only is now clickable in Measure dialog
Version 2.80
Moved the wand Tolerance
from the Preferences dialog to the Areatools
Added Increment, then save and Increment, then load to File dialog (documented here.)
Changed some nomenclature on File dialog so as to fit in more controls
Version 2.79
Added menu-based operator ⇳ to select operators in Operators dialog
Added ✓ Use Operator Dropdown to Preferences dialog (defaults to checked)
Removed ✓ Mask With Target Alpha from Preferences dialog
On first open, staggered all window types so they don't hide each other
Added some missing DLLs to the Windows 10 distribution. Sorry!
Version 2.78
First public release of Windows 10 (beta) version of iToolBox.
BUG (fixed): Intermittent round brush generation failures.
Version 2.77
Version 2.76
Added ✓ Image-per-line to Text dialog
Version 2.75
Version 2.74
BUG (fixed): Pasted images not getting sequential image number.
When applications fail to set the clipboard name of copied image, name = "Pasted Image"
Some other minor improvements in Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste
Functionality of Return and RETURN (shift+return) swapped in Areatools ✓ Modal Selections mode
Added Select/Apply Again
Version 2.73
rectangle and ellipse get direct right-click access to guide and aspect settings
Version 2.72
REGRESSION (fixed): problem appeared in v2.68 in Crop operator guides and aspect indicators.
Script operator endloop([condition]) changed to while([condition])
Version 2.71
Added File/New Text
Added File/Help
Version 2.70
Version 2.69
White Balance operator gets illuminant sliders and ✓ Use Direct Correction
Crop operator gets minor nomenclature change
Version 2.68
Crop operator gets ✓ Make Tile
Version 2.67
Version 2.66
Version 2.65
Version 2.64
Version 2.63
Version 2.62
Version 2.61
The Numeric Rectangle tool dialog gains flush-to-sides and center controls
The Text dialog now provides for setting both colors from sample, foreground, or background
Version 2.60
⌥+r Rotate PShape added
File/P-Shape Controller added
The Color Fill operator now has a one-shot Pick Up button to sample and set in one operation
The Colorize operator now has a one-shot Pick Up button to sample and set in one operation

The Text dialog now provides for selectable background color
The Text dialog can automatically match text and background colors

Adjusted size and position of Numeric Rectangle controls
Version 2.59
Milestone: First Windows 10 Beta version up and running
The Enlarge / Reduce dialog gains vertical priority mode

Numeric Rectangle tool selection adjusted by 1 pixel on each axis
Numeric Rectangle dialog now attempts to open next to the action image
Numeric Rectangle controls changed to incremental integers

Minimum action window width is now 80 pixels instead of 200
All operators now update their displayed settings upon Script operator execution
Version 2.58
Version 2.57
Version 2.56
Version 2.55
Added new script command, vload, to load an image if not already loaded
Added Under Alpha operating mode to the Place operator
Added ✓ Drops become origin image to Preferences dialog
Executing a macro from the macro edit dialog now refreshes the image window
Added Drag to numeric rectangle
Menu 5x through 10x view resizing now enables/disables with presence of action image
Version 2.54
Added ten script macros
shift+⌥+m in image context or Commands/Edit Macros to edit
⌘+⌥+(top row # key) or Operators/Macros ▶ to execute
Added 5x to 10x view zoom sizes; in image context, keys 5 through 0
or via the Views/View Size ▶ submenu
Added .rgba 64-bit image format support
Version 2.53
Added thumbnail preview to custom File dialog
Added .rgba 32-bit image format support
REGRESSION (fixed): restored ⌘+o for File/Load .
BUG (fixed): crops sometimes resulted in image windows that would not close.
Version 2.52
Added Command/Clone to View Size menu item
Added image favorites capability:
File/Load Favorite ▶ to load any of ten pre-assigned favorites
shift-f assigns a loaded image as a favorite (image must have been loaded)
Command/Assign as Favorite — same as shift+f
⌥-1 through ⌥-0 load any of ten pre-assigned favorites one through ten
New prefs item provides choice of if loading a favorite ends up on the recent images menu
Added File/Retrieve Ray Trace menu item
Altered Spherize operator...
...so the rectangle with the origin image map would use the ambient term
...to shadow better by moving the rectangle and the light source
Version 2.51
Added Spherize operator
Disabled access to the Operator ⇳ drop-down; it is now just an indicator. Use the Operators menu to select your operator; the list of all operators has become far too long for a single drop-down to be even remotely practical.
⌥+shift+c = create clone at view size (image is not scaled, pixels are duplicated.)
Added additional window scalings for small images:
5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 8:1, 9:1, 10:1 on 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0
Version 2.50
Script operator: added Save and Load to the script presets dialog
Script operator: assign() can now optionally take 2-D indices: assign(name,x,row[,column])
Script operator: value() can now optionally take 2-D indices: value(name,row[,column])
Script operator: errors and warnings incorporate some color cueing
Script operator: string assignment highlighting improved
Script operator: matadd() and matsub() now maintain dimensionality on output
Script operator: added void=matand(a,b,c)
Script operator: added void=matnot(a,b)
Script operator: added void=matnegate(a,b)
Script operator: added void-mator(a,b,c)
Script operator: added void=matxor(a,b,c)
Script operator: added void=push(thing)
Script operator: added void=pushs(thing)
Script operator: added value=pull()
Script operator: added value=pop()
Script operator: added string=pulls()
Script operator: added string=pops()
Version 2.49
Script operator: Eliminated requirement that non image commands must be assignments
Version 2.48
Script operator: added count=declare(variable[,...])
Version 2.47
Script operator: void=func(name[,p0[,p...]]) can now pass text or numeric parameters
Script operator: Added index=indexof(name,value[,startIndex])
Script operator: Added text=tvar(index)
Script operator: Added x=dvar(index)
Version 2.46
Script operator: added preset variable debug
Script operator: Added constant comprehensions from base two to ten, as well as 16
Script operator: added x=slider(title,prompt,minimum,maximum,preset)
Script operator: Added numeric arrays:
Version 2.45
Camera operator: Added script command
Time operator: Added script command
Time operator: now gives visual indication of format correctness
Author operator: Added script command
Annotation operator: Added script command
Software operator: Added script command
Measure operator: Added script command
GPS operator: Added script command

Script operator: added preset variable m_leading
Script operator: added preset variable m_ascent
Script operator: added preset variable m_descent
Script operator: added preset variable m_lineheight

BUG (fixed): Apply button in Time operator wasn't working.
Version 2.44
Added Preferences dialog option to jump to Script operator when →Script is clicked in any operator

Script operator: added preset variable m_aperture
Script operator: added preset variable m_focallength
Script operator: added preset variable m_iso
Script operator: added preset variable m_shutter
Script operator: added text function t=truth(variablename[,prepend][,postpend])

Crop operator: Added script command
DPI operator: Added script command
Version 2.43
Script operator: new fixed variables true (1) and false (0)
Script operator: rework of the scripting engine highlighter and text variable parser
Script operator: enhanced comprehension of if() expressions now includes text variables
Version 2.42
Script operator: added preset variable m_altitude
Script operator: added preset variable m_latitude
Script operator: added preset variable m_longitude
Script operator: added preset variable m_date
Script operator: added preset variable m_time
Script operator: added preset variable m_xdpi
Script operator: added preset variable m_ydpi
Script operator: added text function t=imagename([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=mastername([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=layername([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=altitude([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=latitude([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=longitude([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=createtime([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=modtime([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=annotation([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=author([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=copyright([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=software([prepend][,postpend])
Script operator: added text function t=verbatim([text])
Script operator: added text function t=ask([title[,prompt[,preset]]])
Version 2.41
Script operator: added x=alog(y)
Script operator: added pr=prat(dB)
Script operator: added vr=vrat(dB)
Script operator: x=round(y) is now x=round(y[,places])
Version 2.40
Script operator: added preset variable m_pc — Planck's constant
Script operator: added frequency=wtof(wavelength)
Script operator: added wavelength=ftow(frequency)
Script operator: added watts=dtow(dbm)
Script operator: added dbm=wtod(watts)
Script operator: added enob=stoe(sinad)
Script operator: added Ls=lser(L1,[L2,...,Ln])
Script operator: added Lp=lpar(L1,[L2,...,Ln])
Script operator: added Rs=rser(R1,[R2,...,Rn])
Script operator: added Rp=rpar(R1,[R2,...,Rn])
Script operator: added Cs=cserC1,[C2,...,Cn])
Script operator: added Cp=cpar(C1,[C2,...,Cn])
Script operator: changed dbmtos() to dtos()
Script operator: changed dbmtov() to dtov()
Version 2.39
fyngyrz.com URLS changed from http: to https:
Script operator: Major enhancements to the scripting language

Added New Folder to File dialog
Added Delete File to File dialog
Added Delete Folder to File dialog

The Areatools dialog now shows mouse X:Y position over image
Open, unfilled figure aliasing improved
Version 2.38
Version 2.37
Perlin Noise operator gets new capabilities
Backtick (left quote): ` now resets zoom to 1:1 with view
Version 2.36
iToolBox can now optionally actively notify a user of upgrades; new Preferences dialog setting.
Curves operator now does a better job at changing the numbers of control points
Version 2.35
The magnify tool can now drag out a rect to select an area to zoom to
iToolBox will now scroll images with the scrollwheel or similar input
The Preferences dialog contains a new ✓ Invert Y Axis Scrolling option
Version 2.34
Added Measure operator
Added Views/Set Zoom Step Size to menu system
Added object size and count to detailed memory report
Holding ⌘ holds ellipse and rectangle selections square
Some speed improvements
Version 2.33
Return now operates on the current selection in ✓ Modal Selections (non-modal) mode
Brushstroke operator preview now obeys target alpha
Version 2.32
Added Burning Ship ⇳ to Fractals operator
Resetting rotation on a P-Shape now requires control+shift+⌥
— this allows addition and subtraction of P-Shapes using shift and ⌥ in non-modal selection mode
Rotations of P-Shapes now require control+shift or control+⌥, resetting rotation requires control+shift+⌥
Improved zoom capability — more zoom-in levels, better transitional steps
Addressed some issues with selection marqee multiple-selections in non-modal mode
Version 2.31
Version 2.30
Version 2.29
P-shape candidates now include ellipses, rectangles, splines, xyrects, and entire image (which is just a rect.)
Added Convert [type region] to P-Shape to the menu system
P-Shape selections now have lines in all four quadrants to aid in aspect correct placement

Added Fractals operator with Julia ⇳ and Mandelbrot ⇳
Added pixel Blend Modes ▶ to the menu system
Add Grey
Subtract Grey
Soft Dissolve
Foreground Color
Background Color
⌥+m sets Matte Blend Mode
⌥+f sets Foreground Color Blend Mode
⌥+b sets Background Color Blend Mode
Added Foreground and Background Color Wells to the Areatools
Added →Foreground and →Background to the Color Fill operator
Version 2.28
Version 2.27
Significantly extended the menu system
Added detail to the Help dialog
Help dialog text display follows window size

Operators dialog now has →Script button to generate a script line
Operators dialog now has CS button to clear the entire script

Anti-alias a now flips p-spline anti-alias state
P-Shape anti-alias status now indicated in the Areatools
Color hints added to status indications
spline now has its own antialias setting
Added ability to tile views with ⌥+j or from the menu system
P-Shape area selections are now drawn using XOR to make them more visible
Some changes to how the Range Fill operator works on different shaped selections
Hot key set dialog now only accepts a-z and A-Z
✓ Clear Script added to Confirmation section of Preferences dialog
Preferences dialog rearranged to make room for additional options
Added Set Help URL button to Preferences dialog
Script operator Save Script button only available when there is script content
BUG (fixed): Rotate 90° operator.
Version 2.26
Re-organized the Areatools
File/New Image ⌘N can now generate grids/graph "paper"
F7 now selects the P-Shape areatool, other F-Keys have been adjusted to compensate
Help dialog updated to account for change in F-Key usage
Areatools tooltips updated to account for change in F-Key usage
Added tooltips to New Image dialog elements
Redo wasn't setting the name of the tool in the Areatools
Off-image-edge selects now work better
Version 2.25
Version 2.24
Added Color Reduction operator
File/Memory Report tool in the menu system is now has Pack
Improved parsing of CMD number keys for image loading in image windows
Layers dialog will now close if all images are closed
Adjusted item spacing in some windows
Version 2.23
About dialog is smarter about informing with regard to upgrades
Version 2.22
Some internal memory management improved: segment naming, detail reporting
File/Memory Report tool dialog accessed via the menu system is now wider
Version 2.21
Version 2.20
Added File/Memory Report tool to the menu system

Added YRB colorspace model
Added YRB Conversion operator

BUG (fixed): Memory leak in Layers dialog colorspace conversions
Version 2.19
Version 2.18
The Chroma Noise Reduction operator gets ✓ Hue and ✓ Saturation controls
The Layers dialog gets next layer mode and N (shift+n)-previous layer mode keystrokes
Version 2.17
Sample now does colorspace sampling

Added ✓ Add to colorspace to the Sample operator
Added ✓ Subtract from colorspace to the Sample operator

Added Key to Colorspace operator
Added Return operate-on-full-image to the keystrokes
Added RETURN (shift+return) redo-operate-on-image to the keystrokes
Added J (shift+j) stack image windows in an orderly manner to the keystrokes
Added window resolution and display scaling information to Areatools
Now by default changes image name on save, option set in Preferences dialog
Improved window positioning on image load
Version 2.16
Added Histogram Equalize operator
BUG (fixed): color space conversions.
Added File/Load Recent Path ▶
Changed File/Load Recent ▶ to File/Load Recent Image ▶
Version 2.15
Version 2.14
Added H layer mode
Added S layer mode
Added V layer mode

Added ability to decompose an image into HSV layers to Layers dialog
BUG (fixed): Memory leak with RGB to CMY conversions
BUG (fixed): Memory leak with RGB to CMYK conversions
Version 2.13
Added spline tool to the Areatools, which involved adjusting the dialog geometry
Because there is an additional areatool, the function keys to access some of them have changed
iToolBox can now restore the original Areatools icons without quitting and restarting
Version 2.12
The Layers dialog rename tools now work better
Version 2.11
Made various reportings and indications of image names more accurate
The Blending dialog will now close if you press ESC when it is in focus.
BUG (fixed): using extend would leave an image in a state where it could not be extended again.
Version 2.10
Local Contrast operator completely reworked
New layer mode: Drive
Jump to version 2.10 from 1.102 - trust me, I have my reasons
Version 1.102
BUG (fixed): Memory leak that arose when the enlarge dialog produced result images; this could also lead to problems when trying to assign such an image as a layer.
Version 1.101
Version 1.100
Brush operator now features follow, displace, rotate, shadow and scale
Brush operator now works with image barrels

File/Load Recent ▶ now has accelerators for the 1st ten items
Mix Script operator function now takes real numbers as input: 0.0 to 100.0
Script operator syntax highlighter now accepts decimal points in numeric parameters
Version 1.99
Syntax highlighting for the Script operator is now configurable in the Meta Defaults dialog
Added mix command to the Script operator
Version 1.98
Added syntax highlighting to the Script operator
Version 1.97
Version 1.96
Version 1.95
Images/Close All ⌘W now obeys the Preferences dialog ✓ Confirm Image Close setting
Version 1.94
Added ⌘-W accelerator for Images/Close All ⌘W
Brushstroke operator now obeys the Preferences dialog ✓ Mask With Target Alpha setting
Version 1.93
Improved Operator hotkey setting dialog interactions.
Version 1.92
More work on making keystroke commands uniform across the various dialogs and windows
Version 1.91
Version 1.90
BUG (fixed): Unlikely to encounter, but definitely possible, crashing bug in wand area selection tool.
Version 1.89
Generally improved keystroke handling
Version 1.88
Stopped Areatools from expanding slightly when image names were long
Added tooltips to brush, action and origin image names in Areatools
Added File/Load Recent ▶
Added File/Save Image ⌘S
Added File/Save Image (Atomic) ⇧⌘S
Added Edit/Undo ⌘Z
Added Edit/Redo ⇧⌘Z
Version 1.87
Version 1.86
Version 1.85
Implemented hotkey processing in blending dialog
Added A, O and 2x buttons to the New Image dialog to adjust dimensions
Version 1.84
Version 1.83
Version 1.82
Added ability to crop to non-alpha interior of image to Crop operator
Version 1.81
Version 1.80
Added Operator hotkey implementation.
Version 1.79
Added [y]/[Y] status indication for Y-axis lock
BUG (fixed): RIP operator's "small region" mode.
Version 1.78
Internal changes to improve image handling
Version 1.77
Version 1.76
Version 1.75
The RIP operator now offers a choice of pixel replacement strategies
Version 1.74
The Exposure operator now offers a choice between RGB and luma processing
The Gaussian Blur operator now provides for blurs incorporating up to 20x20 pixels
Corrected an error in the Random operator's script hint
Version 1.73
Added ✓ Additive to the Random operator
Added Amount
to the Random operator
Random operator now saves the checkbox states
Version 1.72
Version 1.71
Version 1.70
Added ✓ Apply Saturation to the Colorize operator
Version 1.69
Version 1.68
Version 1.67
Added scripting using a Script operator
BUG (fixed): Flip operator.
BUG (fixed): File/New Image ⌘N creation.
Version 1.66
Version 1.65
BUG (fixed): File/New Image ⌘N creation would leave its name in the Images menu when closed by close box.
Version 1.64
File dialog now clears directory and file lists when invalid path entered
c (clone) now adds the new image to the image files list
C (shift+c) (clone At View Size) now adds the new image to the image files list
Version 1.63
Added key indications to the area toolbox tooltips
Added Mixture
to Colorize operator
Version 1.62
Version 1.61
Version 1.60
Version 1.59
BUG (fixed): Color skewing bug in p print output.
Version 1.58
Version 1.57
Version 1.56
BUG (fixed): C (shift+c) viewsize-to-image scaling.
Version 1.55
Added Vignette operator (also can remove vignettes)
BUG (fixed): Nomenclature in the Command dialog
Version 1.54
Version 1.53
Y (shift+y) added; provides y-axis unlock and preset resizing on X axis.
opt/alt+y added; provides y-axis unlock and preset resizing on Y axis.
Version 1.52
Version 1.51
Version 1.50
BUG (fixed): Window and Level operator causing premature clipping.
BUG (fixed): Saver engine that caused .jpg quality dialog to appear on .png save.
Version 1.49
Version 1.48
Changed Darken operator from an RGB to a Luma basis. Much better.
Version 1.47
Version 1.46
Some low-level improvements in file dialog path+name maintenance
Version 1.45
Further improved speed of quarter turn
Frame operator wasn't setting up color bar properly on startup
Version 1.44
Added Frame operator
Improved quarter turn function speed
Version 1.43
quarter turn command added
Version 1.42
y added; provides y-axis lock / unlock for non-aspect correct view resizing.
Version 1.41
Curves operator now re-interprets the curve when you change the number of points. This will usually work in your favor, especially when increasing the number of points. You can still reset the curve to linear with Reset
Version 1.40
Curves operator can now manage curves with as few as 3 control points
Version 1.39
Improved histogram response
Version 1.38
Version 1.37
Numeric Rectangle dialog gets Capture Rect to transfer last normal rectangle to its settings.
Version 1.36
Curves operator can now manage curves with up to 32 control points
Curves operator now offers Save and Load
Version 1.35
If iToolBox is allowed to ask fyngyrz.com for a serial number, it now reports the version of OS X (MacOS) is is running on. I collect this data to let me know what versions of OS X (MacOS) the program is able to run on, if you allow it to ask for a serial number. If you don't, it won't do this (or get a serial number, or tell me what version of the program is asking for a serial number.)
Version 1.34
The enlarge / reduce command now remembers the ✓ stretch setting
Version 1.33
All major dialogs get help buttons
Version 1.32
Added Time operator
Added Software operator
Software field read when LibRaw decodes image
Author field read when LibRaw decodes image
Description (annotation) field read when LibRaw decodes image
Now saves software signature in .png and .jpg
Version 1.31
Version 1.30
Camera operator provides access to shutter, aperture, focal length, and ISO details
Version 1.29
BUG (fixed): custom file dialog.
Safety net wrapped around version checking, which is known to have problems on 10.13.6. Bugfix for that is pending, I don't have access to a 10.13.6 machine right now, so I can't chase it down to the level I need to.
Version 1.28
iToolBox now offers you the opportunity to opt-in (default is opt-out) to obtaining a serial number and latest version information. You can change this at any time in iToolBox's preferences.
Version 1.27
Version 1.26
Version 1.25
Monochrome operator wasn't saving its settings properly
iToolBox general DPI awareness improved
DPI operator gets Apply button
Version 1.24
Curves in Curves operator are now drawn as continuous figures
Curves in Curves operator now have selectable numbers of points
Grabbing a Curves operator curve point now tracks the point instead of slipping between them
Version 1.23
Version 1.22
BUG (fixed): Operator buttons were not pressing
Annotation operator gets an Apply button
Author operator gets an Apply button
Copyright operator gets an Apply button
Version 1.21
Version 1.20
Incorporates serial numbering so I can get a sense of how many users there are. Your serial number is displayed in the About dialog.
Version 1.19
The About dialog now contains both a link to the iToolBox download and the version and revision of the latest iToolBox available. These are obtained from fyngyrz.com at application startup.
Version 1.18
Added Maximum Axis ⇳ blend mode.
Blending groupbox was named... "Groupbox". Heh.
Version 1.17
Version 1.16
Version 1.15
GPS information added to image information dialog
Savers somewhat bulletproofed against bad extensions
Warning when attempting to save image with transparency in .jpg
Added a "feet" field to the GPS operator for imperial users
Version 1.14
Version 1.13
BUG (fixed): Issue with custom buttons not being redrawn properly after clicks
Version 1.12
The display for the view of an image that is a layer in the Black blend mode is now presented in greyscale in order to provide a better notion of what the layer's functionality is in the overall layered CMYK image.
Version 1.11
Version 1.10
Version 1.09
BUG (fixed): Range fill operator wasn't filling rightmost column of pixels;
Paste warns/informs if you try to paste a URL rather than a file
Drag-n-drop warns/informs if you try to drop a URL rather than a file
Version 1.08
Version 1.07
Added the application icon to the release build

BUG (fixed): centering bug in the Mirror operator.
BUG (fixed): centering bug in the Kaleidoscope operator.
Drag-n-Drop an image in and it will become the active view
Version 1.06
Version 1.05
Mirror operator added
BUG (fixed): Rotate operator — wasn't remembering previous degrees setting.
Rulers (Measure dialog) get home and ←, →, ↑, ↓ modifiers shift and opt/alt
When the Colorize operator is set to greyscale, no processing occurs
Version 1.04
Version 1.03
When Colorize operator is set to greyscale, you get a nice yellow
The Enlarge / Reduce dialog gets ✓ Stretch to allow nonlinear, result-filling scaling
Version 1.02
Added volumes list to custom File dialog
Added Refresh to custom File dialog
Added Colorize operator
Version 1.01
Version 1.00 - Initial non-β Release
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This manual was generated with wtfm
wtfm uses aa_macro and SqLite
wtfm and aa_macro are coded in python 2.7
iToolBox 3.12
This Documentation and Associated Application Executables are Public Domain