ยง 38 - JSON Curve File Format

This is a standard JSON file.

It can have from 3 to 32 user control points, with one additional anchoring point on each end required. Sane values are from near zero to near 1.0; indexes and pointcount are sanity checked on load.

Here is example output of a 32 user-point file, containing 34 points (that includes the end anchor points):

.json curve file format

    "curvePoints": 34,
    "points": [
            "cIndex": 0,
            "cValue": 0
            "cIndex": 1,
            "cValue": 0
            "cIndex": 2,
            "cValue": 0.03225806451612903
            "cIndex": 3,
            "cValue": 0.06451612903225806
            "cIndex": 4,
            "cValue": 0.0967741935483871
            "cIndex": 5,
            "cValue": 0.12903225806451613
            "cIndex": 6,
            "cValue": 0.16129032258064516
            "cIndex": 7,
            "cValue": 0.1935483870967742
            "cIndex": 8,
            "cValue": 0.22580645161290322
            "cIndex": 9,
            "cValue": 1.0598802395209581
            "cIndex": 10,
            "cValue": 0.29032258064516125
            "cIndex": 11,
            "cValue": 0.32258064516129026
            "cIndex": 12,
            "cValue": 0.35483870967741926
            "cIndex": 13,
            "cValue": 0.38709677419354827
            "cIndex": 14,
            "cValue": 0.41935483870967727
            "cIndex": 15,
            "cValue": 0.4516129032258063
            "cIndex": 16,
            "cValue": -0.041916167664670656
            "cIndex": 17,
            "cValue": 0.5161290322580643
            "cIndex": 18,
            "cValue": 0.5483870967741933
            "cIndex": 19,
            "cValue": 0.5806451612903223
            "cIndex": 20,
            "cValue": 0.6129032258064513
            "cIndex": 21,
            "cValue": 0.6451612903225803
            "cIndex": 22,
            "cValue": 0.6774193548387093
            "cIndex": 23,
            "cValue": 0.7096774193548383
            "cIndex": 24,
            "cValue": 0.7419354838709673
            "cIndex": 25,
            "cValue": 0.7741935483870963
            "cIndex": 26,
            "cValue": 0.8064516129032253
            "cIndex": 27,
            "cValue": 0.8387096774193543
            "cIndex": 28,
            "cValue": 0.8709677419354833
            "cIndex": 29,
            "cValue": 0.9032258064516123
            "cIndex": 30,
            "cValue": 0.9354838709677413
            "cIndex": 31,
            "cValue": 0.9677419354838703
            "cIndex": 32,
            "cValue": 0.9999999999999993
            "cIndex": 33,
            "cValue": 0.9999999999999993
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This manual was generated with wtfm
wtfm uses aa_macro and SqLite
wtfm and aa_macro are coded in python 2.7
iToolBox 3.12
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