Scripting command: alphamod [Amount=0...255] [Mode=0...9]
The Alpha Modify operator can perform a number of different alpha operations, depending on the setting of the Mode drop-down menu:
Mode: Set Alpha ⇳You can set the level of the alpha channel (transparency) in the area selection you've made in the image using this mode's Amount
A value of 0 00 results in complete transparency. A value of 255 FF results in complete opacity.
Mode: Invert Alpha ⇳What is transparent becomes opaque, and what is opaque becomes transparent.
Mode: Alpha to RGB ⇳This will convert the alpha channel into the equivalent greyscale representation in the image.
Mode: RGB to Alpha (average) ⇳Averages the red, green and blue channels and then converts the result to alpha.
Mode: RGB to Alpha (luma) ⇳Derives the luma (brightness component) of the image, and converts that to alpha.
Mode: Red to Alpha ⇳Transfers the red channel directly to the alpha channel.
Mode: Green to Alpha ⇳Transfers the green channel directly to the alpha channel.
Mode: Blue to Alpha ⇳Transfers the blue channel directly to the alpha channel.
Mode: Harden Alpha ⇳This makes alpha above midrange more opaque, and alpha below midrange more transparent. The Amount slider controls how much effect is applied.
This smoothes and spreads out hard alpha edges. The Amount slider controls how much effect is applied.
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