Operators Dialog / Operator Details

§ 12.11.2 - Annotation

Scripting command: annotation [content="text"]

Note: All available scripting operations are listed on the Script operator page.

Using From Image this operator reads the annotation information associated with the currently active image. It will apply the annotation to the image if you Apply or if you apply any area selection to an image with this operator active. If the Areatools  Modal option is unchecked, you will also have to Apply or press O (shift+o).

When a new image is created, this is initially set equal to the application preferences setting. When an image is cropped, this is set to that of the parent image.

undo and redo both affect the current state. Images brought in with a paste from image data or a drag-and-drop do not assume your defaults. A paste or drag-and-drop from a text filename may set this if the image format supports it.

Caution: Not all image formats support annotation chunks. Those that do include .png, .jpg, .ato, and .elx — if you save your image in a format that does not support annotations, the annotation information will not saved into, and subsequently be recoverable from, that image file.

The annotation operator
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