§ 8 - Preferences

dTank (β) preferences are accessed from the dTank/Preferences main menu item. Most preference items are self-explanatory; some that may be non-obvious are described below.

§ 8.1 - General

General Preferences pane

Eyedrop sets the radius in pixels of the area sampled for the t, c, b and w operations.

§ 8.2 - Performance

Performance Preferences pane

Threads sets the maximum number of threads that dTank (β) will launch when Allow multi-threading is .

§ 8.3 - Visual

Visual Preferences pane

Checks controls how many pixels high and wide the checks are when Checking for off-image regions is . The color wells control the checking colors.

§ 8.4 - Basics

Basics Preferences pane

This information is stored in the database. It is not stored in exported images.

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