§ 7.4.6 - External File Operations

§ - Obtaining Listings of VDisks in Win 95

When you are working under the Host OS's command shell, the command FDIR will provide you with a listing of the files contained in a virtual FLEX disk. Syntax is as follows:

<required> [optional]
FDIR <DiskName>

§ - Copying Win 95 Files To VDisks

The utility command INJECT is provided, which has the following parameters:

<required> [optional]
INJECT <SourceName> <DiskName> <DestName> [T]

SourceName is the filename of the file to be injected under Host OS, DiskName is the name of the Virtual Disk file under the Host OS, and DestName is the filename of the file to be created in the virtual disk under FLEX. The optional T parameter deals with text translation, discussed next.

Note that text files under FLEX use the Carriage Return character as an end of line marker. If you supply the T parameter to the INJECT command, Line Feeds in incoming files are discarded as the file is transferred to the virtual FLEX disk. Otherwise, you will have to change the characters yourself. If you're transferring a binary file, you should never use the T parameter, or the file will be corrupted.

The INJECT command will not allow you to copy a file into a FLEX virtual disk if that filename already exists within the directory of the virtual disk. You have two choices of remedy when this occurs: use INJECT with a different target filename, or execute the emulator and rename or delete the previously existing file.

§ - Obtaining Files from a "Real" FLEX System

The FLEX command XFER.CMD and Soroc IQ140 terminal emulator (soroc.exe) are provided. If you use the terminal emulator as the terminal for the "real" FLEX system, and then assemble and use the supplied XFER.CMD tool, you can transfer any file (except random files) from a remote FLEX system into the Win95 filesystem. From there you can use the supplied INJECT.EXE tool to get the file into the emulator disks. You will find XFER.CMD on the DISK0.DSK disk, and XFER.TXT on the DISK1.DSK disk.

Now (as of v1.40) that there is a serial port available within the emulation (if you turn the feature on), it has become practical to write transfer software that operates directly between the emulation and a real FLEX system. If someone doesn't beat me to this, I'll be writing such an application before too many more revisions go by.

A minimal communications program is now included with the emulation distribution. It is MODEM09.CMD and you can learn the basic commands in Appendix B.

§ - Copying Files from VDisks to Win 95

The utility command DISTILL has the following parameters:

<required> [optional]

Where SourceName is the filename of the file to be distilled under FLEX, DiskName is the name of the Virtual Disk file under the Host OS, and DestName is the filename of the file to be created in the Host filesystem. The optional T parameter deals with text translation, as described above for the INJECT command.

Note: FLEX compresses text files in a special way; the TAB character ($09) is used as a signal that the next byte in the file is a count of compressed spaces. So, $09,$04 means four spaces - not the ASCII sequence, "TAB", "EOT". DISTILL will automatically decompress files with a .TXT extension. The only time this could cause problems is if a binary file had a .TXT extension, which you should of course avoid. This would also cause problems within FLEX. Text files also can contain NULL characters at the end; the decompressor in DISTILL will automatically remove these if you use the T option. Otherwise, you have to deal with the space compression and the final nulls.
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