- glossmod1.dsysto incorporate this module in your document, place this in the global styles: [include glossmod1.dsys]
To emplace the glossary, place the page where it is to be generated somewhere towards, but not at, the end of the page sequence, then put this in the content area: {glossary}
To create a glossary entry, place the following anywhere on any page: {gloss word|||explanation}
Nothing appears in the text (so you can do it where ever you like, which makes it handy when you're working in context.) Glossary entries are presented in case-insensitive alphabetic order. Here's a sample (simple) glossary entry: {gloss Gloss|||To make something shiny}
You can go look at the result here. Here is some cool stuff you can do with just one [hmap] [translate] sequence and a few simple styles: [hmap hexlist]
[gstyle hexlab [translate hexlist,[b]]] [gstyle glo {[split |||,[b]]gloss {name {hexlab [parm 0]}}[parm 0]|||[parm 1]}] [gstyle g [a tab,glosspage.html#{hexlab [b]},[b]]] [gstyle gl [a glosspage.html#{hexlab [b]},[b]]] On the first page of your document, create the glossary entry like this: {glo myword|||my description of my word} Wherever you use the word, place it into context like this: I say {g myword} whenever I want to. ...and if you want to put a glossary entry into context on the glossary page, do it this way: I say {gl myword} whenever I want to. These three styles will produce lovely glossary entries that are in context, and on normal pages, {g myword} will open a new tab scrolled right to that specific glossary entry; whereas use of {gl myword} in a glossary entry will just hop around on the page without opening a new tab.
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