Perl: Linear lookup vs. Dictionary lookup times


Linear lookup:

wallclock secs ( 5.55 usr +  0.00 sys =  5.55 CPU) @ 18018.02/s (n=100000)

Dictionary Lookup:

0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr +  0.00 sys =  0.03 CPU) @ 3333333.33/s (n=100000)

Code used


use Benchmark qw/cmpthese timethese timethis/;
$index = 0;
if (open(CFILE,"acrobase.txt"))	# if (we can open the file)
	while($cb = <CFILE>)	# while(there are lines we can read)
		my @components = split /,/, $cb,3;
		if ($components[0] ne "#" and $components[0][0] ne '\n')
			$acrodict{$components[0]} = $components[2];
			$acroarray[$index] = $components[0];
			$exparray[$index] = $components[2];
			$index = $index + 1;

#print $acrodict{"MHZ"} . "\n";
#print $exparray[32] . "\n";

# here's a method to search linearly for $param:

sub linlookup
	my $param = shift;
	for ($i=0; $i<$index; $i++)
		if ($param eq $acroarray[$i])
	return("not found");

# here's a method to use a hash (dictionary) to look up $param:

sub dictlookup
	my $param = shift;

$n = 100000;
print timethis($n,'linlookup("IRS")');
print timethis($n,'dictlookup("IRS")');