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§ 4.194 - [resolve] Built-In

Mnemonic aid: resolve for RESOLVE a forward reference

See also:  [fref] 

This allows you to resolve a label that was emplaced in content generated earlier in the content stream. If hex=1 is provided, then the content must be a stream of one or more 2-digit hexadecimal values.

[resolve (hex=1,)label,content]

[fref overhere]
She[fref place-a-comma-space]and I
intervening content...
[resolve overhere,arrived later]
[resolve hex=1,place-a-comma-space,2c20]
...and then a little more content.

arrived later
She, and I
intervening content...
...and then a little more content.
arrived later She, and I intervening content... ...and then a little more content.

Other built-ins used here:  [fref] 

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