aa_macro syntax 
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 HTML source 
 HTML render 

§ 4.18 - [ol] Built-In

Mnemonic aid: ol for Ordered List

This built-in allows you to easily build HTML  <ol>  style lists.

[ol (istyle=hstyle,)(type=X)(start=N,)(lstyle=hstyle,)(wrap=styleName,)(sep=X,)item(Xitem)]

[style ulw *[b]*]
[ol joe,fred]
[ol wrap=ulw,joe,fred]
[ol sep=||,joe||fred]
[ol sep=||,wrap=ulw,joe||fred]
[ol lstyle=color:#ff0000,joe,fred]
[ol istyle=color:#ff0000,joe,fred]
[ol start=7,sep=||,joe||fred]
[ol type=A,start=3,sep=||,joe||fred]





<ol style="color:#ff0000">

<li style="color:#ff0000">joe</li>
<li style="color:#ff0000">fred</li>

<ol start="7">

<ol type="A" start="3">
  1. joe
  2. fred
  1. *joe*
  2. *fred*
  1. joe
  2. fred
  1. *joe*
  2. *fred*
  1. joe
  2. fred
  1. joe
  2. fred
  1. joe
  2. fred
  1. joe
  2. fred
Note: HTML is stupid about start=X when you're using type= in that if you use type=A and start=C it'll just ignore you. You have to use type=A with start=3 to get the list to start with C.

Other built-ins used here:  [style] 

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aa_macro uses Python 2.7